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New member
Apr 24, 2005
i'm new to this forum. I've been reading this forum for FIVE minutes and i fell in love with it immediately (considering the knowledge shared here!)

so, whaddup? whats the latest topic? i hope yall will enjoy my company...
HI may,
I am nto so new around here but not real old either. There always good topics going on from the brewery talk of random and weird sometimes related audio to the lab where we talk project talk. Black market is were you can buy and sell random goodies and the drawingboard is were we try and come up with new ideas.

At the moment there is the standard DIY projects going on.
As for new stuff of late that IMO has been cool. do a search for arp.

As well as read the meta's good stuff in there.
welcome :guinness: :guinness: :guinness: :guinness:
I'm fairly new too....I'm starting to go to Prodigy Anonymous soon......Hi my name is Mikka........(Hi Mikka) I first started logging on to Prodigy occasionally..... you know......just socially..........

Read the the metas ......
Well, jeez, share some background, you guys! And welcome to the club.
Don't be shy, this is a non commercial enterprise. (does that make sense?:guinness: :oops: )
Welcome, keyman_sam!

> so, whaddup? whats the latest topic?

The one at the top of the page. You can guess the hot topics by the number of Views and Replies.

But "newest" is not necessarily "best" here. Some of us are following thought-trails started in 1950 or older. Some good conversations if you dig back several months, or put your topic of interest in the Search function. There's over 10 million words posted. Reading this place is like reading all of the Agatha Christie books: a big job.
Re: Share some background.......Ok ........ based in Brisbane..... home of some cool stuff as you know. I was gonna set up to build some guitar amps....taught myself fundamentals.....

Set up to wind my own trannies to keep costs down. Learned how to sectional wind and a few other tricks. I built some nice prototypes, silver wire, rifa caps etc. Single ended in parallel for extra harmonic distortion. Feedback was...."we want Tweed Princeton circuit and light weight".

My relationship disintegrated around this time and so did I. Projects put on hold. I got sick for a long time. Getting better. I hope to go do a music course over the next 18 months (livin' on beans and refusing my kids icecream) and do some songwriting/perfomance. Naturally I'm gonna need all sorts of gear for my bedroom studio. DIY as my budget is tight....(and I like DIY).

Will I go back to trying small manufacture? I'll need some sideline income while I'm songwriting, which is what my aim is. There are plenty of products out there filling all kind of niches. I'm not really interested in the full on competition of business (except for songwriting) and I prefer to stay off others turf.... so I'll find something eventually. Maybe back to guitar amps if the world really needs another small manufacturer.......dunno really.

My plans for now include a simple valve pre for vocals (probably V72), tweaked for my voice... which is extremely bassy and a green pre for guitars. Both to run into my DAW, which is a better musician than I am. And to have as much fun as I can squeeze in. It's a dirty job but someone has to do it. :green:

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