Is It A Dud?

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2022
Um ... so I purchased a really low cost 4 channel USB audio interface. Its mic pre-amps sound good enough. It has two outputs, MONITOR OUT, and LINE OUT. Unfortunately, the MONITOR OUT only plays what is captured by the microphone inputs, and does not mix or play sound coming from the computer. The LINE OUT can mix and play both sources, depending on how I set the front panel MIX knob, I think. The attached image from the sales pitch depicts inputs and outputs, showing speakers in each of the two outputs. I expected it to send computer audio to both outputs - but only the LINE OUT plays sound from the computer. The MONITOR OUT plays only what is being captured by the microphone inputs.

QUESTIONS: Is this how it is supposed to work? Am I missing something, or do I have unfounded expectations? Is it broken right out of the box?

Thank you for any insight and guidance you may provide. James

audio interface 1.jpg
I don't know if that's the way it's supposed to work but you can often set up interfaces like that for "zero latency monitoring".
i think there's an adaptor called a peavey pv-6 or something like that

Um ... er ... I do not think that is appropriate here ... I own a PV-6 which is a full fledged six channel mixer with Gain and EQ and other standard mixer controls. I want to replace it and computer sound card with the new thing. Thanks for playing along! James
I don't know if that's the way it's supposed to work but you can often set up interfaces like that for "zero latency monitoring".

But useful Zero Latency Monitoring mixes the audio you are recording (with no conversion/DAW delay) with the existing audio from a DAW etc. and feeds that to your monitors/phones. So you, for example, hear your voice in time with the "backing track".
That is anyway how it works on my cheap Behringer audio interface!

Hi Gang! Thanks for pitching in!

It appears my question is not sufficiently clear. The MIX control mixes mic input with computer audio, apparently as it should, but only on the LINE OUT connectors. Why not also on the MONITOR OUT connectors? Should they not play the same thing in two different directions for, perhaps, different purposes?

To put this another way, I expected to send computer audio from a DAW or media playback application to two sets of speakers, or two different audio devices, such as powered speakers and a stereo system or wireless headphones simultaneiously. This new device plays the mixed audio on its LINE OUT connectors as expected, but puts only the microphone audio on the MONITOR OUT connectors, which I did not expect. From the product literature, I expected to hear both mic and computer through both outputs at once. (Gee this is more difficult to express than I anticipated!) :)

How does this work for other devices with similar dual outputs?

It would be easier if it only had one output, necessitating an A/B switch to select which external device would get the signal at any one time, but the specific objective is to have two equal outputs going to two external devices at the same time. (He typed, obviating a more detailed description of how he and his wife listen to old time radio programs on wirless headphones and stereo speakers at once because the wife has some hearing loss and likes headphones...)

Does this additional gloss help? Am I expecting too much to think both outputs should be playing computer audio simultaneiously? Should the MONITOR OUT only play mic audio, and not computer audio (also?)

Thanks loads!! James

[I apologize if this is redundantly repetitious ... still a rookie brandishing a soldering iron, ya know.] :)
The only thing that can be routed to the Monitor Out is the Mic Input? You can’t get anything from the computer to the Monitor Out? That does sound strange.
The only thing that can be routed to the Monitor Out is the Mic Input? You can’t get anything from the computer to the Monitor Out? That does sound strange.

Exactly. That is the issue. Unless I find a work-around, or learn that is the way it is supposed to be, I will either accept a discount or return it for a full refund. But I would hate to be hasty and act without a full understanding.

Mr. @RuudNL has a Berringer that works as it should. I wonder what model that is, and whether it has multiple outputs. A two channel model with multiple outputs is on sale, and I wonder if it would be a good alternative.

Thanks for pitching in. Most appreciated. James
What do you get from the headphones output?

Sound from both computer and mic inputs as expected. Go figure.

I received a few answers to my question from other vendors of the same device, and they all say it should play the same on both type of outputs. Perhaps it is ... um ... futzed. James