I recently picked up some old electronic equipment that appears to have been used in a TV station sometime in the 60s. I figured at the very least I could salvage the chassis, faceplates and hardware, but I was wondering if any of the electronic components could be repurposed for a mic preamp or compressor build.
The piece with the blue faceplate grabbed my attention, and turned out to be a Ceco model 1019 "video amplifier". To my amateur eyes, the circuit looks like it might be similar to a line amp of some sort. There is a gain control on the front panel, and two adjustments labeled "HF" and "LF" on the top of the chassis which make me think there may even be some sort of filtering built in as well.
The other pieces include a Hewlett Packard distortion analyzer and couple absolutely massive high voltage power supplies that I'd be nervous to mess with.
Any suggestions are welcome
The piece with the blue faceplate grabbed my attention, and turned out to be a Ceco model 1019 "video amplifier". To my amateur eyes, the circuit looks like it might be similar to a line amp of some sort. There is a gain control on the front panel, and two adjustments labeled "HF" and "LF" on the top of the chassis which make me think there may even be some sort of filtering built in as well.
The other pieces include a Hewlett Packard distortion analyzer and couple absolutely massive high voltage power supplies that I'd be nervous to mess with.
Any suggestions are welcome