IT bug – major cluster mess-up

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Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
Wife had the Win blue screen of death earlier this week. All attempts at restoring the OS failed. Coincidence? Probable. Either way, she ended up buying a new laptop. Can't afford to not work. And a new laptop wasn't the worst decision after six years. Yet, what a nuisance.

Disruption affecting hospitals, payroll systems, airports etc etc etc. Luckily my flight was last weekend.

Scary? Maybe. But not a cyberattack, they say. Still, what a cluster of a mess, and certainly a reminder how interconnected everything is. A bunch of dudes sitting somewhere fail in quality control, upload a defective file, and things in various parts around the globe come to a grinding hold… dough.

Some are talking biggest IT disruption ever – not sure about that.
Yeah, know what you mean.

Force majeure – in insurance speak. We get the occasional quake over here. And precipitation belts during typhoon season seems a new one, not sure. But no wildfires despite +70% of forest.

What was the name of that company again, Cloud or Crowd-something?Guess they’ll blame it on a quake or like, that accidentally knocked over a decaf mug which then accidentally hit the bull's eye, squadoosh. Or they’ll pin it on just one of the staff ..

Either way, wife's happy with her new laptop, joked to send bill to CloudStrike or whatever they are called LOL
Computers suck

I just replaced the SSD that my mac mini uses for automatic back ups. I have been seeing a few backups that didn't save correctly, over the last few weeks. The new backup drive install made me create a new password for the backup... Like I need yet another password to remember. I think the IT geeks do that just to irritate me. 🤔

Hey you kids get off my yard. ;)

Why do these mega-sized companies rely on Windows for anything mission critical? It's one thing when my desktop (laptop) coughs up a furball but that only affects/annoys me.

CrowdStrike is the (cybersecurity?) company that pushed out the buggy software. Their stock price dropped a bunch already yesterday, by next week the world will know who did what.

Did I mention that computers suck...

CrowdStrike is the (cybersecurity?) company that pushed out the buggy software. Their stock price dropped a bunch already yesterday, by next week the world will know who did what.

Did I mention that computers suck...

It wasn't buggy in the normal sense. Instead of the actual update they sent a file full of zeros. This caused a dereferenced NULL pointer error in the windows kernel which immediately leads to the blue screen of death.

What I do not understand is why big corporations would deploy this code to every single windows PC on the local network when you really only need to apply it to the main internet facing one. That way, in the same scenario, you would only have one PC per local network to reboot rather that the whole lot of them (40,000 plus is one figure I heard).


It wasn't buggy in the normal sense. Instead of the actual update they sent a file full of zeros. This caused a dereferenced NULL pointer error in the windows kernel which immediately leads to the blue screen of death.
Their job and apparently they are hired by many companies worldwide, to provide network security.
What I do not understand is why big corporations would deploy this code to every single windows PC on the local network when you really only need to apply it to the main internet facing one. That way, in the same scenario, you would only have one PC per local network to reboot rather that the whole lot of them (40,000 plus is one figure I heard).


I don't know what the updates are/were... yes obviously somebody screwed up.

I blindly accept software updates from apple and so far they have messed me up.

At a former employer we used crowdstrike.
It’s scary software.
1.once installed the only true uninstall is a reformat of the system drive or some deep kernel level commands.
2. As part of its cyber security protection any ip address deemed unsafe will be blocked. This means if you do things like dante you could block your stagebox and prevent it from working.
The fact that it’s cloud based control is a worry but it does give the hands off approach,
Good thing I don’t invest in crowdstrike
There's several guys I regularly watch on YouTube, and one that posts regularly is an ex Microsoft systems engineer. Here's his discussion. A bit geeky but quite interesting.

Each affected machine has to be rebooted into Safe mode and then manually delete the bad update.

There's several guys I regularly watch on YouTube, and one that posts regularly is an ex Microsoft systems engineer. Here's his discussion. A bit geeky but quite interesting.

Each affected machine has to be rebooted into Safe mode and then manually delete the bad update.


I had that happen with pro tools and a windows system once.
Their job and apparently they are hired by many companies worldwide, to provide network security.

Indeed, but I don't think I made my point clear enough. The fact the file was all zeros was the most benign error you can imagine. All it does is lock up loads of PCs and require a reboot and the removal of a file. If instead the file had consisted of buggy code, the consequences could have been much much worse.



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