Well-known member
I've mentioned this on this board before, about a dream (a dream as in one you have when you're asleep) I had once.
I've been slowly working my way toward getting myself back into some kind of shape other than round in recent times.I've always been an avid walker, and I've been trying to get back into the habit of that. I should also consider finally reassembling that bicycle in the garage, but that's another story.
Anyway, if all goes to plan, I'll have a job for this summer, then do Fall '08 and Winter '09 here in Port Huron, before starting my final two years at Oakland University in Fall of '09. This leaves my plans for the summer of '09 wide open at the moment.
I want to spend it walking across the country.
I'll be starting from my home here in Port Huron. I haven't decided where I would like to end up yet. That'll depend on whether I can plan intelligent stops for food and shelter along the way. My first back-of-the-envelope calculation was to aim for Seattle, probably the most optimistic walkabout I could take, and then fly back. Assuming 14 hours a day at an average of 2 miles per hour, that works out to 89 days of walking, according to Google Maps (with "avoid highways" switched on). Again, this assumes intelligent stops at regular intervals can be found, and that I can find non-Interstate river crossings.
One other option might be to do a Northeastern Loop, through New York and Maine, and end up back here. That way, I wouldn't have to fly back. I haven't looked up and calculated that idea yet.
I'm not going to ask you all if I'm off my rocker, because I already know the answer. But between listening to Will Self, and my own desire to see my country, I can't help but want to try.
Comfortable shoes would be a requirement.
I've been slowly working my way toward getting myself back into some kind of shape other than round in recent times.I've always been an avid walker, and I've been trying to get back into the habit of that. I should also consider finally reassembling that bicycle in the garage, but that's another story.
Anyway, if all goes to plan, I'll have a job for this summer, then do Fall '08 and Winter '09 here in Port Huron, before starting my final two years at Oakland University in Fall of '09. This leaves my plans for the summer of '09 wide open at the moment.
I want to spend it walking across the country.
I'll be starting from my home here in Port Huron. I haven't decided where I would like to end up yet. That'll depend on whether I can plan intelligent stops for food and shelter along the way. My first back-of-the-envelope calculation was to aim for Seattle, probably the most optimistic walkabout I could take, and then fly back. Assuming 14 hours a day at an average of 2 miles per hour, that works out to 89 days of walking, according to Google Maps (with "avoid highways" switched on). Again, this assumes intelligent stops at regular intervals can be found, and that I can find non-Interstate river crossings.
One other option might be to do a Northeastern Loop, through New York and Maine, and end up back here. That way, I wouldn't have to fly back. I haven't looked up and calculated that idea yet.
I'm not going to ask you all if I'm off my rocker, because I already know the answer. But between listening to Will Self, and my own desire to see my country, I can't help but want to try.
Comfortable shoes would be a requirement.