Kev's page on r*e*c*o*r*d*i*n*g.o*r*g

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It appears that Kev's page doesn't exist any more on above link. Does someone have backup of it or just first page, because I found that subpages still exist ?

You can use the Wayback machine to get those lost pages if your interested:

for instance:

CJ YOU ARE WONDERFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I know I only joined this group last jan, but I discovered KEV'S pages last fall. There is some GREAT INFO there.
I thought It was lost forever!! The only page I could still find was project 2.


No problem.

I too get that warm fuzzy feeling looking at where it all started.

Now if we could just get that news letter going again.

I imagine the Kev Meister is working undercover on some new stuff, inbetween trying to survive work.

Oh, and someone please save thos pages!

I can still see the pages... but I am using a different method of getting at them...
Kev shall I tell them - or are you trying to kill them off?
It's all fine by me.

yes the pages will disappear eventually and I'm sure if downloads were to increase dramaticaly them someone WILL ask some questions.
It might also cause some Google monitoring ... BUT I don't think Google is working that way at the moment.

Obviously I have ALL pages stored somewhere BUT to be honest I'm not that interested. It is nearly a year ago now and I've kept out of the way and just let things roll. I am as busy as i can be and do have plans ... there is no hurry.

.... CJ ... a news letter ... mmmm :roll: ... :thumb:
If I start something it will end up being a DIY Factory news-letter and I don't think you want that.
The LAB needs a news letter and I'm happy to have a column but it needs to be attatched to the forum.

BE warned. :shock:

if it is done right - it WILL be popular and cause a great deal of work and activity.

we love our diy
okay - back door to Kevs pages and any other pages which don't have an index page simple google into google and go...

(edited - due to everybody hacking at once)
Cool! Now which one of you hacker genius' can find some Tech Talk pages?

Oh wait. We already ripped and plundered those files.

Rafa, you naughty boy!
Cayacosta, shame on you!
Fum, how could you! :razz:
[quote author="CJ"]Cool! Now which one of you hacker genius' can find some Tech Talk pages?

Oh wait. We already ripped and plundered those files.

Rafa, you naughty boy!
Cayacosta, shame on you!
Fum, how could you! :razz:[/quote]That's relatively easy - some of them are still in google cache
Have a look at this
cool :cool:
312 stuff ... we like 312's ... and 2520's ... hey Paul where are you ?

why the interest in the old place, nearly a year after the event ??
I found and joined the old place the day before it went!!
I look at the old place because I "joined the conversation half way through" - or to be quite honest the conversation finished, packed up went home and had a few beers before I joined it....
Thus the original discussions on some of the projects around here have already been done - and lots of useful info was passed around before various avenues were open/closed....
Wow UK!
How did you do that?
I wish you would shrink the link to a "here" button.
You should have gone to that annual hackers meeting in vegas where they sit around for three days and three nites and try to hack each other's server while drinking massive quantities of Red Bull. Steve, stay away!

Anyway, is there any possibility you could tell us the procedure for digging up those TT archives?

[quote author="uk03878"]I found and joined the old place the day before it went!!

sorry shouldn't laugh

you were lucky enough to find ... BUT then unlucky to see it explode.
never mind as you are here now.
[quote author="uk03878"]okay - back door to Kevs pages and any other pages which don't have an index page simple google into google and go...

(edited - due to everybody hacking at once)[/quote]

Hey, I didn't see the link/trick.

Can somebody please archive the HTML
(or PM me the trick so I can do it)
for the benefit of all.

Thanks, Kato
[quote author="CJ"]Wow UK!
How did you do that?
I wish you would shrink the link to a "here" button.
Anyway, is there any possibility you could tell us the procedure for digging up those TT archives?

I'm not a hacker - just know what to do in google...
Trust me my job is boring, tedious, pays well and when the clients not looking - I can play on google and here all day

ok - the clue is the hyperlink that says Cached..

Follow me on a journey....
In google type this....
site:// "Tech Talk"
Now this is going to retrieve all occurances of the string Tech Talk at the site...
Now let's make it more specific.... let's get some info about our good old transformers/inductors
In google type...
site:// "Tech Talk" "St.Ives"
So we are looking for all occurances of the strings "Tech Talk"and "St.Ives" at
Lot's of hits...
Now click on the FOURTH one returned... it talks about St.Ives inductors for the Pultec Eq and is post number 148158
CLick on the site... and.. you get "Page cannot be found"
Go back to your results set... and look at the two items highlighted in blue next to the green "Supplementary info"...
One of the hyperlinks says "Cached"..
Click on this ... and...

BINGO... mine's a pint...
You are not hitting but Googles page it saved some time ago...
It has it's limitations - you cannot easily (if a all) go to next page..
But have fun
Thanks for the details. Since it's through google, there isn't much chance of it just disappearing. But I'll still archive some of the 312 and 1176 stuff (if it hasn't already been recreated here at the lab.)

No need to hide this info, since it's cached at google, the flood of hits is no problem. I believe google's advert-centric business model encourages many visitors, and often.
