Lately I have been really enjoying that Columbia Records 30th St. studio sound, which was reportedly created with Langevin preamps. Ostensibly, the classic 1950s period recordings were made using 116Bs or something similar, given that the 1961 Langevin catalog actually credits CBS' engineering department for the 116B's development. Given that originals are a PITA to service, maintain, adapt to modern I/O (massive, complex Cannon plug $100 for a single unit on Ebay), and sadly, prohibitively expensive, it follows that a DIY approach using modern I/O, layout optimized for noise rather than size, DC heaters, etc. could even improve on the original pre while economizing. One problem with recreating the circuit 1:1 is the fact that the transformers are seemingly unobtainable. The input was a high ratio, probably 1:15 or greater unit with "triple shielding." The output was wound for single-ended circuits, 16k:600 w/ tertiary feedback, capable of taking DC. Is there any suitable transformer that can be adapted to this purpose? Another issue is the grid caps for the 1620 tubes. Wat do?
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