Once upon a time (in the not too far distant past) it seemed that replacement displays were readily available on ebay. While some are still available, the ones I need have disappeared.
That said...I'd like a replacement LCD for my H3000 and KSP-8. I used a CrystalFontz LCD for my Yamaha Rev7 that's perfect. The view angle is incredibly wide and it's bright and clear. Love that. My H3000 LCD still works, but it's just a little dim and the view angle isn't the best which makes me have to stand up and look over the front panel to make adjustments. My KSP-8 display has turned red. While it still works, I suspect its failure isn't too far down the road. I seem to recall seeing OLED replacements for both of these devices in the past, but they're seemingly not available any more.
One gadget that I saw on ebay awhile back where these little USB to AES "sound cards" that were like the size of an XLR. They were dirt cheap and I made a mental note that I might need those one day. Now I do, but I can't find them.
So to the collective...Do you guys have any sources or knowledge of these things? Any links??
That said...I'd like a replacement LCD for my H3000 and KSP-8. I used a CrystalFontz LCD for my Yamaha Rev7 that's perfect. The view angle is incredibly wide and it's bright and clear. Love that. My H3000 LCD still works, but it's just a little dim and the view angle isn't the best which makes me have to stand up and look over the front panel to make adjustments. My KSP-8 display has turned red. While it still works, I suspect its failure isn't too far down the road. I seem to recall seeing OLED replacements for both of these devices in the past, but they're seemingly not available any more.
One gadget that I saw on ebay awhile back where these little USB to AES "sound cards" that were like the size of an XLR. They were dirt cheap and I made a mental note that I might need those one day. Now I do, but I can't find them.
So to the collective...Do you guys have any sources or knowledge of these things? Any links??