Liminator: Switchable Traffo Compressor

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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2007
Salt Lake, UT
Just came across this thing and haven't seen anyone mention it here. I think that's a pretty awesome idea as there's always people deciding which traffos to go with on different projects, this just seems brilliant. I bet it sounds incredible too, wish there were some guts shots.
I did that on a NYD one-bottle tube channel input once (switched between jensen and OEP, but I removed it later as the OEP was not so good as input). DPDT switch with some basic I/O wiring does the trick.

A switch between a sowter and jensen though, both being top (read clean) performers... sounds awfully expensive for such a subtle difference. A switch between a lundahl/jensen (super clean), and some seriously gritty vintage trafo would probably pay off better.

And it's not just for the sound. this can be used as a pad of sorts, if the ratios are very different between the two.