[quote author="dayvel"]Marik-
Have you considered using a common-base amplifier for impedance conversion? Here's a link that uses a common-base amplifier as a pre-pre-amp for a moving coil phonograph cartridge (kind of the same problem as a ribbon mic, very low impedance) -
might give you something to think about.[/quote]
Hi dayvel, marik ant the others.
Your CB amp have too many devices.
I have idea to build CB ZEN. Here is it. (It is only
idea I have not tested it)
(You must copy link below to the browser)
This CB amp have input impedance 1k and lower.
Some problem. You need G5 log tandem pot.
(G5 = 500 000 000 Ohms)
It is rare device. Perhaps you must do it from discretes.
(and you can have input impedancy as legend of it
