It so happens that I'm working on the same thing.
Here is a drawing:
My design objective (and I'm guessing yours) is to make this work just like the good-ol Schadow interlocking pushbutton banks--including the ability to push in more than one simultaneously and have more than one remain activated.
I haven't breadboarded it yet so I'm not 100% sure it'll work as expected, but it really seems like it will. It shows only four switches but could be expanded to any number.
It uses TTL 74xx74 D with Preset/Clear flip-flops as the latches. The button switches are debounced by the RC network and squared up with the 74xx14 inverting Schmitt Triggers. The diodes form a n-Input AND gate into another inverter to reset all the latches to zero when a button is first depressed. The idea is that the rising edge of the clock inputs reset the switches by loading the D value (strapped to 0) on all flip-flops except those whose ^Preset inputs are being held low--those will be turned on.
I haven't come up with hard values for components, but I'd start with 5.1k for R1, R3, R5, R7 and R11; 100K for R2, R4, R6; 10K for R12-15; For the caps, I've got a ton of 4.7uFs--thought I'd start there. Transistors are whatever you need to handle the current to drive LEDs and relays tied to the +5v rail; with appropriate series resistors on the LEDs and
suppression diodes on the relay coils of course. You'll also want to sprinkle around some .1uF caps between +5V and ground to decouple the power rails.
You can add a "Cancel all" button by adding a single 5.1K resistor between +5V (Vcc) and the buss connecting all the ^Clear inputs of the Then add a button between the ^Clear buss and ground.
You can also designate a button as the power-on-default by putting a cap (maybe 10nF) and a big resistor (maybe 470K) in parallel across the desired button.
Hope this helps. I'm open to suggestions, but this seemed to be the simplest digital "hardware" solution.