Looking for 50 year old Socapex XLRs

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Well-known member
Oct 25, 2009
Durham, NC
Anyone have a lead on the FEMALE version of these? I believe they are Socapex connectors. They are the mic inputs on a Girardin mixer. Reverse gender - now that's old school!

Girardin MT-47 back panel pic2.jpg
Of course that's the easy way. But I'm old school, too, and if there is a chance of finding the desired replacements that's what I would like to do.
I have found that often the female chassis mount connector is to big for the allotted space so they won't fit if you did find them. That might be the case here if you think about it.
Agreed. I strongly suspect that there will be no room for the inside-the-chassis part of the female connector. If you switch to ANY female XLR, you are probably going to need to make a metal tube/stand-off that keeps the whole connector outside the chassis, so it looks kind of similar to what you have now.
By the looks those adapters would be to large to fit vertically
Why not just make up four short xlr female to female patch cables ,
that way the back panel of the mixer doesnt have four big ugly protuberances hanging off it .
They also did a bunch of round multi pin connectors, and something 38999-ish not sure if that was the exact same spec though.
But, I think surplus stores are your best bet, Apex Jr. and the like.
They are the mic inputs on a Girardin mixer. Reverse gender
That's an old standard at RTF/ORTF.
IIRC, XLR male for mic signal, XLR female for line signal, no concept of in/out but signal type
Short answer, get 4 female to female XLR adapters and go with that.
I can't say better...take half an hour to solder 4 proper XLR cable for the Girardin, keeping the console original 🙃
I strongly suspect that there will be no room for the inside-the-chassis
I confirm that, there is lot of room in the MT47/48 for the battery holder at leas 1/3 of the whole volume of the desk, but underneath the faders...the upper section is too busy.
I'm surprised to hear that Socapex made XLR connectors. Is that proven?
According to the 60' service manual/part list, those 4 connectors as the one for -reprise- (single AUX output on MT47 or 4 direct OUT on MT48) are branded Socapex.
