Looking for Calrec DF1625 Schematic

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Active member
May 5, 2006
Bristol, UK
Does anyone have a copy of schematic/service-docs for this Comp?
Really appreciate if anyone could send me one!
Thanks, Tom
Hi, thanks for the reply.
I don't think so - but I really don't know much about calrec desks - just searched some images now and the modules look quite different.
Of course, if anyone else knows for sure...
Cheers though, tom
OK - thanks for clarifying.

Pinout would be extremely useful too.

I found for DL1656: (bottom of http://groupdiy.com/index.php?topic=27299.0)
1: L1 (stereo link 1 )
2: L2
4: remote meter
5: remote meter
7, 8: audio input ground
9: audio input positive
10: audio input negative
15: -17.5V
16: +17.5V
17: PSU common
18: 9Vneg (LED power supply)
20: 9Vpos
29: audio output positive
30: audio output negative
32: audio output ground
..could be similar (don't have the unit yet)