Looking for DBX led replacements

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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2010
Los Angeles
I have to replace some LEDs in a DBX 160xt. I can't seem to find anything like them. They are square-ish with a long round peg that comes off it. I don't have a camera handy right now but I'll post pictures tomorrow unless someone here knows what I'm talking about. I've looked around quite a bit for them but I guess I just don't know what to type into a search box to find them.

Thanks for your help guys!
Look for the shape in digikey, mouser, mpja, etc.  and keep the peg for re-use.
Also, make sure that the LED is broken and not the driver.  You can use diode test to verify that it is blown.
Thanks man. The peg is not removable though. it's all one piece. They were completely pulled out of circuit and tested so they are blown. There was one bad LM339 that was replaced. I'll keep looking around.
GOT IT! If anyone else ever needs these they are part number P612-ND at digikey. Man, that was more painful than it had to be....

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