No EQ, no high-pass, no low-pass, no phase flip, no mess, no mistress, no mas.
No mistress????
"Gain stage ...PI ...output stage ...to line level"
Uh, but guitar is nearly line voltage already. We need more current gain than voltage gain.
"tube mic preamps" "MILA by our buddy New York Dave?"
But even without input iron the gain is plenty and the complexity is high. Plate supply, more plate suply, heater supply... If you need a mike-amp anyway, sure.... but what if you don't?
This is an appropriate solution.
You want a transformer anyway, to transform low tube current for potentially 600R loads, and to float to give "balanced" line and break ground loops.
But it is a narrow-band instrument, and dead-clean can be got cheap with chips, so we don't need gold-plate parts.
The 60FX5 is a forgotten cheap-stereo power amp. Over 1 Watt with 115VDC supply, we want over 0.1W. If we give it half of nominal voltage it will beat requirements (even mismatched) AND the 60V heater can eat plate power. One power rail.
Assume large cathode bypass.
Voltage gain in Triode mode is not quite unity, but most line inputs can take that and bring it well up on the meters. Frequency response with the low-cost 125ASE may extend to 30Hz, and far past the guitar range.
Voltage gain in Pentode mode is 3 or more; but bass response may droop below 60Hz. You can trim the output resistor for less midrange and therefore more level bass. Or you can apply a 40Hz bump in ProTools. It's not like "flat" is sacred.
The 125ASE does not have a UL tap, but you may have snazzy iron on hand, or a 10W p-p OT. UL mode splits the difference between triode and pentode.
Max input voltage is 1.3V peak. This should be ample for most pickups and picks. THD may approach 4%, which does no harm. I've shown the hi/lo jacks, the top jack can go 2.6V at 4% THD or 1% THD at more normal levels. Un-bypassing the cathode resistor allows higher inputs at lower THD. "Small" cap like 10uFd will give a treble shelf boost, very popular on guitar.
The power supply is simple, not elegant. I assume if you buy more than a few parts, you may as well get the price-break on a 10-bag. Hum should be low, may not be zero. If it is a problem, feed the heater as shown, then add 470R and 470uFd 100V filter for the plate power.