Looking for info and schematic for TELEFUNKEN V776 preamp

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andre tchmil

Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
land of chicon
Looking for info and schematic for TELEFUNKEN V776 preamp.
All I know is that the shape is bigger than the usual Telefunken stuff and it coud be a four channel preamp.
V7xxx ??
Was there a 7 series? which manufacturer was that?
According to Kubis site - there was no manufacturer with a index of 7?
There are some new cassette type mic preamps who are called V776 - but they are from a different company - ADT Germany
Is it possible you mean a V-76/M. There is a copy of a Mix Magazine article here
which mentions it......... but no schematic.
no , it is cleary indicated on the back of the cassette.
The telefunken logo, and the type : V776

More info , It needs + and - 15 volt.
Has phase switch and Hi pass per channel ( 4 channels per cassette)
Gain in steps to 70dB and a fine tune ( 9dB)
V776 photos here...

Thanks to 0VU at the soundonsound forum

A quote from him
I'm still up to my neck in work and haven't had a chance to start digging out the schematics yet. I've rung a friend who took over my old job and asked him to make some copies of anything interesting in the way of old scematics he has in the files. Especially any older european stuff like the Neumann console bits or any unusual stuff.

I did come across some pics the other day of the V776. You can find them here (hopefully). I uploaded them ages agao. If it doesn't work let me know and I'll mail them to you. I was thinking of rebuilding the unit in the pics - you'll see that there are loads of component differences between the channels, particularly cap changes, and I though it might be nice to tidy them up. I'll probably drop into The Lab and get some advice first though.