[quote author="Curtis"]
Thanks for the links, some nice tunes there. So are these examples of direct guitar sounds or amped?
A bit of both, I'd have to go over the notes to be sure, I would say that about
1/3 of the gtr's are from a "proper" amp and all the rest are either from the
JMP-1 with a BSIAB pedal up front ( brown sound in a box ) or the H&K MetalMaster
which sounds extreme but is capable of very nice low gain tones.
This was either used via spkr sim outs or via a 1x12 cab from the cab output, which
is only 4 watts but sounds great.
Many gtr tracks ( if not all ) were split so that a "direct clean" part was also recorded,
this meant that we could either "re-amp" later or just use Amplitube or something for another tone.
It proved useful at the mix to "fix" a couple of sound issues.
Other "goodies" used in general where DIY TS-808 and Dynacomp and some other OD's
and a Voodoo vibe plus a DIY CE-2 with a "vibe" option.
I wouldn't mind a PCB for that Fender also !!