There is NO simple, or even reasonable, way to get a gain of +2, or a negative output, with vacuum tubes on a single rail.
A chip will, if you give it a negative rail.
> because there is always a small negative voltage on the CV line in the Federal - the minimum extension of the eye is also getting bigger
Some minimum length is inherent in the tube. And as you say, in the limiter CV. So you -also- desire to subtract 1.6V before you gain-up.
Just cuz it is EZ: change Ra 200K to 470K or 1Meg. What does that do for you?
To get an offset: you could try to jack-up the limiter cathodes, grid resistor, and diode reference by 1.5V. However the diode ref is also the triode cathode, which has its own diddly adjustment.
You could jack-down the EM800 cathode by 1.5V. Since the total current is hardly over one mA, a simple C-cell would last for years.
I'm still finding it hard to believe that the Federal won't stir up more than 5V.