don't like to see crossovers on the first layer, even in a random wound coil, heat can expand the core and put pressure on that first layer, so we like to wind it flat and loose, as this is where 90% of the transformer and choke failures occur,
ok so we have a pri-sec-pri-sec-pri job with 820T:80T as the ratio,
10:1 into 16 ohms, 20:1 into 4 ohms,
did you see how big the stack is? (look at the bobbin) so not many turns needed on this 125 EI OPT, but we might add a few to get some bottom end going on, and use Nomex 410 instead of masking tape, sheesh!
oh wow, Neil Young Bridge School concert, sound garden, pearl jam, brian wilson, neil, and.........................
Tom Jones! ???
print coming up...