Matching 2N5457 for 1176 stereo use... is this god enough?

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gyraf said:'ll want four matched FET's for a stereo linkable 1176..


I know that  :)  And those links above is, as far as I can tell, the price for a batch of four matched FET's (a quad).

Or is it four per 1176, equal totally eight FET's?

But my question is more about the info given on how the matching of the quad is done, is the noted matching procedure god enough for stereo use?

For example on the Stompville site:

Four 2N5457 JFETs matched for Vgs(off) and within 0.15mA variation on Idss.  Supplied with Stompville test data.
Note: supplied as two matched pairs. All four items within 0.15mA Idss.

Manufacturers Data:
Vgs(off): -0.5 ~ -6V
Idss: 1.0 ~ 5.0mA
gfs: 1,000 ~ 5,000 μmhos

Stompville Data: Batch 25A
Sample size: 179
Vgs(off) (minimum): -1.99 V
Vgs(off) (average): -1.74 V
Vgs(off) (maximum): -1.27 V
Idss (minimum): 2.46 mA
Idss (average): 3.37 mA
Idss (maximum): 4.10 mA