Mic Capsule Schematic Q

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2006
Southern CA
Hi, I'm somewhat new at reading schematics, and in the original U47 schematic there are a couple of puzzling symbols I'd like to get cleared up.

In the attached photo of the capsule section of a U47, what are the elements pointed to with the red arrows?

The top arrow points to a dotted line; is this a representation of the head basket? And if so, how is this normally connected to ground?(forgive such a newbie question, but I'm confused!).

Secondly, what in tarnation are those little half-circles at the bottom part of the schematic? Not capacitors, not a switch...what?

Thanks in advance for any input. I hope this was the right place to post this question.


  • u47-original-schematicQ.jpg
    14.1 KB · Views: 20
Dotted line is headbasket and bottom plate I presume. Is grounded through contact with the rest of the body.
Those half circles are connectors. I believe the u47 had a removable headbasket with capsule..?

See here..