is there a way to measure the impedance of a mic pre? Can i use a multimeter or do I need to build some kind of test load?
sr1200 said:is there a way to measure the impedance of a mic pre? Can i use a multimeter or do I need to build some kind of test load?
[veer]sr1200 said:JR, in an unrelated topic, is the resotune thing yours? And if so, are you going to be at NAMM? My friend, a DW/Sabian endorsee, would love to check it out.
CJ said:now i have to crank Moterhead to de-gauss all the pre's, :-*
Add a 5 or 10K pot turned CCW, linear is best, in series with an oscillator as source, feeding the load (input Z under test). Measure level across the load, lets say it is 500mVAC. Increase the pot, or series resistance, until you have a 50% drop across the load 250mVAC.
sr1200 said:JR - im sure he wouldnt expect free by any means (doesnt get drums or cymbals for free... just dirt cheap compared to average joe haha) but I read through the site, very informative and hell, if that thing works that well, i think id be interested for one for the studio... God knows the POS drumsets I get thru here could stand a good tuning that doesnt take 53 hours.
CJ said:remember that R and X are 90 degrees to each other,
so a 5K pot resistance and a 5 K reactance add up to root 2 times 5 k, = 7K not 10 K,
but this should not change the reading, just do not use current times R to get the voltage,1
when you put that much dcr in series with the transformer, other stuff happens to the wave form but we just need a rough estimate.
you can also inject a signal straight into the primary of the input transformer,
put an ammeter in series with the generator, use 1 volt at 100 hz,
measure current,