Mic problem

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
I was recording vocals today with an old 414 that has been tweaked by Klaus Heyne. It's been in use a lot on this particular project. Today it started fading out at random points in the song. I'd stop, thinking the singer had stopped, but it developed that the mic was fading away. It would come right back on for a few measures after stopping, but as the day wore on it started fading out so often we had to change mics. That solved the problem but sounded lousy so we canned the session. I didn't have time to check all the cables and stuff, but I did try another preamp with a different phantom supply with the same result, so the mic appears to be the culprit. Any ideas why it would do that?

Thanks :sad:
Thanks PRR -

That would most likely be the pattern switch, wouldn't it? It's most directly connected to the polarization voltage. Will exercising the switch help?

Thanks again,
Simply cycling the pattern switch might help. The pad is also in the same area, so try that too. -Pushing the pad switch too far "past" the 'zero-dB' position often mutes the signal in these circumstances, and condensation can bridge the pad switch contacts on these mise under extreme circumstances.

Make sure also that the mic isn't too cold.

Condensation has been known to cause this though it's more common with Neumann capsules. Perhaps part of Klaus' mods...

If the room/mic is specially chilled, try warming it/them up a bit.

It might be a condensation issue - I talked to Klaus and that was his thought. Then I realized I had the guy singing really soft and close to the pop filter, which was a metal one and not cloth, so it adds up. I have the mic in a plastic bag with some silica gel crystals wrapped in a handkerchief and we'll see what happens.
Sheer-type pop filters (such as metal or stocking types and not open-cell foam) become much less useful when they are either close to the source (mouth) or close to the mic.

As a simple test, you can hold your hand flat about 12" in front of your face and blow on it. Using your other hand, move the pop filter in between your lips and your hand. You'll find that as it gets close to the lips, the effectiveness diminishes significantly, when it's close to the mouth it also diminishes.

The metal screens I've tried are also very 'noisy' producing high-pitched turbulent whistles when you blow on them. 'Pops' are just short blast gusts of air and once you've noticed it, you can hear the 'rush' of the metal pop screen (the "expanded metal" types) in a blindfold test. I think Stedman were promoting these a while ago, I always hated them! -
Blow on a metal screen, blow on a nylon screen, and tell me which sounds better...

Most effectiveness from 'panty-hose' screens comes when the two mesh screens are seperated by a small distance. Too close to the mouth and the disruption of the wavefront is ineffective becasue the wavefront reforms due to how the air around it is acting. Laminar flow becomes turbulent but re-forms as laminar. With a pop shield, you want turbulent.

Anyway, digression... I've used 12V heated velcro-fastened jackets on cold mics to prevent this problem, and ot's worked very well. They sell them in Canada in different diameters, designed to fit around telescopes and prevent condensation on cold telescope lenses when the air is humid. They also sell them as IMDU's (Inlet Manifold De-Icing Units) for air-cooled VWs, which used to form rings of ice inside the inlet manifold due to the vacuum and humidity in the air condensing then icing up, just like an air conditioner will ice-up if it's set too enthusiastically!

If you have a climate where you have a lot of condensation issues, you might like to investigate these, you'll almost certainly never have the problem again.

Well, it was moisture. I put the mic in a plastic bag overnight with a fresh silica gel packet and it worked fine today. I also moved the singer back and used a fabric pop filter. Whew! We're exactly halfway through vocals and this mic sounds great - the thought of changing mics now for the rest of the album was unsettling. Thanks everyone for your help as always.

:thumb: :thumb: :guinness: :sam: