Milab VIP-50 Upgrade

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Well-known member
Dec 11, 2011
Just studying my Milab VIP-50 microphone head amp and wondering whether it can be improved. The output of the front capsule feeds into the gate of a Jfet N Channel RF Amp (BF244B) The source then connects to the base of a Bipolar Transistor (BC550C) There is an identical circuit for the output of the rear capsule. Any thoughts for better components?



I tend to agree. If there were vast improvements to be made by swapping this 50c cap with this other 50c cap, the manufacturer would generally be doing it. Don't mean to be discouraging or anything, but yes, the mic mod thing seems to have been blown out of proportion somewhat.
Actually the mic is very good but I know it can be improved but I just can't afford the $250 upgrade.
This mic and many other Milabs have unique rectangular capsules, so changing that would most likely ruin the mic. It's highly regarded in some circles, looks funky and with some hype could be a sought after future classic.  And as said before I don't think there is much room for real improvement.

I'm thinking of changing the BF244Bs for  2n4416-E3.

Any thoughts?

Why?  What is wrong with it?

Why do you want to change the JFET? 
How different is a BC244b from a 2N4416?(I can look it up in a book I have but I don't feel like it)  Do you know about designing with JFETs?  Sometimes you need to measure and select the JFET parameters.
What upgrade are you posting about?  Is it a Milab one or some web one?

The simple circuit description sounds like it is an interesting microphone with each capsule side having its own amp. I have not seen/heard a MilabVIP-50
Milab is a small Swedish manufacturer. All their mics are handcrafted in Sweden. I couldn't think of a worst candidate for modding but after all it's your mic and you decide. I'd contact Milab and tell them how you'd like to change the mic (increase headroom, decrease noise, sculpt freq response...?) and they'll probably help.

Milab know what they are doing - it is an unusual mic with a lot of character, so just enjoy it as is.
Unless it is faulty in which case send it to a mic tech, or back to Milab, who have very generous service agreements.

You probably won't hear a real difference in the FET, and you would need to pick a good one and bias it to get a good S/N.

And it is certainly worth more in original condition - if you don't like the sound then sell it on.


Here's Jim Williams on this mic over at Gearslutz:

"A great mic. The familiar square metal diaphram casule. It uses an EQ network to lift the tops flat as the capsule has a high end roll-off. The quality of that network is critical for top end clarity and detail. It's a op-amp based circuit, using fet input opamps. I've replaced them with BurrBrown, AD opamps with great results. The coupling caps can be replaced and improved.

Jim Williams
Audio Upgrades"

The thread is:

I guess there's room for improvement in most mics, especially in the amplifiers, until you get to the very highest end pieces.
