I was thinking about building a simple line mixer based on the Ampex 3761.
I know these came with HA-100x installed on the inputs, but according to someone on the Ampex list, the output is a UTC P-1245 (I cannot find any specs on this guy).
Do you think I could simply sub in some Jensen trannies, say JT-11P-1 for the inputs and a JT-10K61-1M on the output?
If I wanted to go mic level on the inputs could I swap the HA-100x with a Jensen JT-115K-E?
Sorry if these are elementary questions, I have so much to learn...
I was thinking about building a simple line mixer based on the Ampex 3761.
I know these came with HA-100x installed on the inputs, but according to someone on the Ampex list, the output is a UTC P-1245 (I cannot find any specs on this guy).
Do you think I could simply sub in some Jensen trannies, say JT-11P-1 for the inputs and a JT-10K61-1M on the output?
If I wanted to go mic level on the inputs could I swap the HA-100x with a Jensen JT-115K-E?
Sorry if these are elementary questions, I have so much to learn...