Modding A LCD Projector..?

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Well-known member
Jan 17, 2005
North Carolina (USA)
Hello..Grabbed a HT Projector for cheap and ran it thru it's paces..Not really bad sounding/picture quality but I couldn't help but wonder if it couldn't be modded..?..Especially that noisey fan..!..( :mad:)..I'm using the HDMI for input, but it has only analog outputs ( RCA unbalanced)...I think the input signal quality is derived from the source ( DVD, CD,etc..) but was thinking if there was anything in the DA circuit worth tinkling with..?.. Also, it has onboard speakers that parallel the output which for some weird reason, ( oversite of the vendor... :eek:..) can't be muted or bypassed without affecting the output signal overall..That said, anyone ever modded a LCD projector with good results..?..Actually, I'd probably be ok with getting a quieter fan, disconnecting the internal speakers..BTW, this should have a DA section, right..?.... :-\..Thanks..!
I would not touch the DA without further sussing of the input-output situation. Try connecting to a computer in order to test with different audio levels into the proj.  And is your preamp/amp OK when connected directly to the DVD audio outs?

If there is a mini headphone jack the speakers might normal through it. Try a deadpatch.
sodderboy said:
I would not touch the DA without further sussing of the input-output situation. Try connecting to a computer in order to test with different audio levels into the proj.  And is your preamp/amp OK when connected directly to the DVD audio outs?

If there is a mini headphone jack the speakers might normal through it. Try a deadpatch.
Hey Mike..Thanks for the reply..I'm running the output of the projector into a Hafler amp..Seems to be fine this way..Only thing,in order to get a decent level into the amp, the onboard speakers goes up in voulme also... :-\.. ( I've been back/forth thru the menu pages but there's no way to choose just using the line outputs without hearing the built-in speakers, which should have been a no brainer from the vendor..).. Once I get the level up, the built in speakers are " masked" by the Hafler/NS10s combo..Can't help but know that the noise floor of the built-in speakers are still contributing to something funky tho..!.. ;D..BTW, what's a deadpatch..?.Thanks..

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