Molex terminals and then base pads

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Well-known member
Nov 11, 2010
I am about to start building Mnat's 1176 LN rev D. I have noticed a few parts are not on the BOM and would like some clarification

The molex terminals and connector-anybody have the part # to order from mouser?


The base pads for the 2N3707 Bipolar transistors-do they come with the transistors or are they something I need to order in addition to the transistors?

Thanks for the help guys
OK...also, after watching the calibration videos...I need the shorting pin which seems to cover two pins at a time...anybody have a part number?  Thanks again
college101 said:
OK...also, after watching the calibration videos...I need the shorting pin which seems to cover two pins at a time...anybody have a part number?  Thanks again

can't you just use a piece of resistor lead or a crocodile clip wire?


Regarding shorting pins, there are plenty of these for free in the junk bin. Look for old computer equipment such as mobo or IDE drives...

sorry dont have access to any old computer equipment, and search mouser for IDE and Mobo turned up nothing close to what I am looking for...

Hobbiesound- I want to use as close to the same parts as everyone else is using... I know I can use the clip to short those two pins, but then, I have to move the clip back over to the other two pins once I am done with the calibration.

I just want to use a standard shorting pin connector, as referenced in the video, but I cant seem to locate them

** I cant find info on the base pads either for Bipolar transistors( maybe Im missing some key piece of info here)

Thanks Guys for the comments
I like these:

Mouser part no 151-8030-E (and header 538-22-28-4030)

they have a very convenient handle.


Hey fellow Indy bro, I just added the header and shorting block to my parts list. (Those parts weren't on the first version of the board when I built mine in 2007.) Thanks for bringing it to my attention. Your post also prompted me to update other parts that were out-of-production, and changed the resistors to a higher quality, yet cheaper line. The parts list is here:

I like and use the jumper with handle that Tomas linked to above, so that's what I added to my parts list. It's worth the extra 8 cents for an application like this where you're switching it often. But for the smaller handleless jumpers, which also have their uses, Mouser has them for a dime each: 517-953-30.

Also, I added the transistor sockets as "optional" to the bottom of the list.

Good luck on your build.  Kato
I suppose that's a good suggestion. Consider it done.

Also, using the link above, or the green button above the parts list adds the parts to your cart with the board designations for the rev. D boards, so each part arrives in a bag labeled with R1, C15, etc to match the schematic and silkscreen.

Did you ever sort out the transformer problem on your LA2A?
Yes..My La2a is actually at a friends place right now, getting re-done...I had the correct layout, but my crappy soldering iron caused a lot of problems..

I have since then replaced the crappy soldering iron with a brand new weller wes51...which by the way ROCKS...  and my solder joints look amazing now...

KATO..also I think the Base Pads should be added to the list as well,

I also noticed the silk screen still shows 980 for R12 on the mnats boards, where we are instructed to use the 1.8K now
What you're calling "base pads" I'm calling "transistor sockets." In Mnats videos, I see them under Q1 and Q11, but I'm not sure why he used them. (I didn't.) Nevertheless, I added them to my parts list under "Optional."

When you asked about "three terminal strip" - are you talking about this?

If so, I also added it under "optional."

Glad to hear about the new soldering iron. Makes a world of difference, doesn't it? I just replaced the old worn tip on mine and it's so much better.

college101 said:
I also noticed the silk screen still shows 980 for R12 on the mnats boards, where we are instructed to use the 1.8K now

My parts list has always had the correct value of 1.8k for R12, all the way back to it's first version in 2007.

However, I just noticed the errata on mnats site from version 1 to version 2 today. Two resistor values changed from version 1 board to version 2 boards. Heads up - I just corrected that today. 
Cool about r12( I just noticed the MNATS boards still say 980 on them, and then realized I had the correct 1.8k to put in place

That is the correct three terminal strip for the power I was referring too!(+)

I think those pads are to extend the ease of soldering the transistors into place...
or they could be there to block some sort of high frequency  ( NOT sure at all , and I could not fiund them on the mouser site....

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