Monitor interference problem.

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Well-known member
Jun 4, 2004
the Netherlands
My Fender Rhodes picks up noise from my girlfriends monitor (CRT) which is located behind a 1 foot concrete wall. The total distance between the two is 1,5 foot.
What can I do to shield the monitor besides buying a shielded one?

I know this shielding tape ( 208-8872 80 euro's!) and by looking at the description "Inner aluminium layer and outer PVC/polyester layer in either black or silver" I thought I might be able to make something similar of aluminium foil??
CRTs are the devils spawn
i have the same trouble with my hi-fi speakers next to my tv

so will be following this thread with interest
Move the Rhodes or the CRT.

The concrete wall is significant electric-field shielding. So you must be getting magnetic field interference. No reasonable amount of aluminum will make much difference. Iron shielding might help, but holes in the sheild reduce the shielding, and I don't think you want to climb inside an iron box to play Rhodes.

Distance is by far the cheapest fix for this situation. 4 feet either way migth be plenty.

Or be a nice guy and buy your lover an LCD display. Less space on the desk, and far less radiation to upset a Rhodes.
Thanks for your answer PRR. I think I have to live with this problem and only record when the monitor is off.
This monitor is off good quality (color wise) and is used for desktop publishing and checking colors. I belive a LCD is not good for this purpose (yet?).
[quote author="radiance"]
This monitor is off good quality (color wise) and is used for desktop publishing and checking colors. I belive a LCD is not good for this purpose (yet?).[/quote]
My industry background is magazine, newspaper production (as well as Sat TV)
All the graphic designers in the prod offices and ad agencies use flat screen macs...
High res prints (on a extremely high speed network) are used to check colour, low res prints (on a standard 100mbps network) are used to check layout..
Yes, you're right. I should have been more clear about that money is also an issue here. Those apple flatscreens cost a fortune...
But than again, if you buy a CRT monitor for that money you still get better quality.
FWIW, my answer to shielding things is often aluminum foil + 3M #77 spray adhesive, the handiest glue on earth.
The others here are right.
Here is my 2 cents.

Cheapest is distance. If you double the distance
the field should go down 6 dB.

A cheap solution that may work is regular "tin" duct work.
Like used in the Heating and air condition business.
The metel must stick to a magnet.
I had an old apple II disk drives that would pull
my video monitor. I placed this sheet of steel
under the monitor between the monitor and the drive.
The problem went away.

The best is Mu Metal see
Their web site do not work for me?
That will cost you about $120 to $200 with that solution.
They make a foil that is cool. You may want to sheild the inside of the piano which is easier than the monitor.