Monitora 5707 Question

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Well-known member
May 2, 2006
Mainz, Germany
i acquired an old Monitora 5707 (Sheets attached) Abhörlautsprecher and i wonder if my thoughts about connections are correct:

a) +24V needs to be supllied on +24VMod, not sure about +24V Steu(which i assume means Controol)
b) same appllies to 0V, that is Pin 15
c) Input Signals are either Prog/Kdo or Direct or 0 Ohm
d) Output are over the supplied speaker or headphones.
e) is maybe +24V Steu for switching the Pads ?

Thanks for any help in advance.

Monitora 5707 Abhörlautsprecher1.jpgMonitora 5707 Abhörlautsprecher2.jpg
I want to use them in my MCI console, so to have a feedback loop to the recording studio. You can use Kdo for the mic inputs -> pre fader -> the Kdo input and the Pgm for the other mix - makes sende somehow.

I'd say it originally was in broadcast consoles where you have other talk-back setups.

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