Motown Direct Box DIY

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GDIY Supporter
Jun 3, 2004
taking a stab at the Motown box used in the snake pit ,

used by the guitar and bass players to send a signal to the booth,

this way no amps had to be lugged around and the signal did not bleed as much with everybody coming out of a single monitor speaker driven by a McIntosh amp,

there is no schematic available but some generous people gave some clues to work off of, so it will be trial and error til the ears hear something they like,

gotta start somewhere, that 18 ga. is carpel tunnel city with the hand shears, >


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YES tig welder sits under the bender, bought this for $200, expected it to last about two weeks, but two years later it is still ticking, Argon bottle required, runs on 120/240, dryer outlet uses for 240, easier on the transformer, or whatever circuit they got in there,

30 amps for the light stuff,


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that's right, certified for nuke plants,

DIY Levis flash dewlap hanging off the helmet, they want about 50 bucks for a leather one,

there is a switch in the torch for on/off, no pedal, so no heat control, use the rod feed rate to regulate heat,

you can put copper bars under the corners to absorb heat but if you burn through, the copper will contaminate your tungsten tip, in fact welders use a penny to make a ball at the end of the tungsten for aluminum welding.

this safe tungsten without the radioactive thorium has to be sharpened more often, i like the old thoriated stuff, too old to care,

this darn 3M Speedglass cost more than the welder but the light activated lens sure is nice,

i tried to beat the 10 second timer on the camera so i could strike an arc but was a little late,


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sander wheel for finishing the corners,

i did not take a pic of my welds because a dog could crap a better looking bead than mine,

gotta bend a base plate and maybe a lid but the punch is ready for the tube sockets, and the step drill for everything else, expanded medal screening is uber expensive nowadays so i think i will go for a sheet metal lid,


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Hawk has the best prices on the Hammond transformers, you can also buy them from mouser and digikey,

you can spend as much as you want on the output tube,

i can get either one channel or two channels out of one tube depending on which circuit ends up getting used,

Capacitors are 15 percent off right now at Antique Electronic, enter code "CAP15"


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roughing out the parts , then draw in the caps and resistors to try to avoid the kludge look,

9 x 12 would have been a bit easier to wire than 8 x 12 but ti should be ok,

keeping the pwr xfmr away from the input circuit,

might add a choke so left room for that,


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found a couple of Triad OPT's in the back of the sock drawer,

going to run these strapped for 5K : 250 for more headroom ,

the low z cathode follower won't mind, especially with lower plate R of the 6BX7 compared to a 12AU7

the ratio will be about 4.5 : 1, frequency response might even be better with the lower ratio , it does 100 KC with the full primary,


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got the pwr supply working, voltage with 470 k bleeder is 345,

sec resistance of pwr xfmr is 131 ohms each leg, if we draw 80 ma for all tubes then regulation will be

0.08 x 131 = 10 volt drop so 335/345 = 97% regulation so Hammond did alright,

every chassis you see will have the dropping resistors soldered directly to the filter can, that's why the solder lugs have such big holes, but since this is a prototype and the dropping resistors might need adjustment, they get mounted elsewhere so the lugs don't get stressed on the 40 dollar multi-cap.

putting in a second bleeder on the last leg of the pi filter for improved regulation on stage one and safety for the cap in case we remove all the tubes which will allow the voltage to reach unsafe levels otherwise,

got some work on the 1st stage and follower, using 2 K instead of 10 K like the LA2a circuit, people say 10 K is too high and 500 is better so going to meet in between them and Bill Putman with 2 K,
got old 1964 Fender 0.047 and 0.1 caps in there,

stage one is a 7025 with sections paralled since two series stages would be too much gain. maybe a bit lower noise i don't know.

surplus Neutrik XLR's come prewired with 10 pf and ferrite,

"clean up the rosin" you say? yeah, and lose the tone and the old school charm, no way.


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heaters wired, 100 ohm virtual CT as no CT on the pwr xfmr,

you can get away with AC heaters if you twist the snot out of them,

wired the two pwr tubes out of phase to cancel out any residuals,


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darn thing works, gain after the output xfmr is about 140.

B+ is 315 on the 6BX7, 250 on the driver and 200 on stage #1

heaters at 6.4 volts.

so if 36 db is the goal, then we need to go from 140 to 50.

tried NFB to reduce gain but it did not work out too good.

why not skip the hassle?

getting NFB right can take longer than it takes to build the whole project,

our vol knob was overdriving the 2nd stage follower/driver,

so resistors were added on the top and bottom of the vol pot to bracket the gain,

at full volume there is that nice compressed waveform that sounds cool,

a 12AY7 for stage #1 would be the ticket for reducing gain, along with using the 250 ohm tap on the OPT.

time to hook it up and take a listen,

if it sounds good then ch 2 can be built

still might need to fine tune the white follower since the 12BH7 was replaced with the 6BX7,

the 6BX7 is drawing about 10 ma, top and bottom,


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stuck a GE 6072 in the first stage socket

strapped the output xfmr for 250 ohms,

removed the bypass caps on stage 1 and 2, so now there is some stable feedback on the first two stages,

and the waveforms got better, and the gain is down to 34 db,

the 6BX7 is only running at about 10 ma, the tube data sheet says that this is not the most linear portion of the load line, so we tried different cathode resistors on the output stage but the waveform stayed the same, so maybe the load lines do not apply to the White cathode follower circuit, if it sounds ok then that's good as the tube will last a lot longer than running it at 50 ma, however, TV sets used to run all day and night so it should be a pretty strong tube,

so this is like a tweed Fender Bassman into an LA2a output stage with a Pultec output transformer,
12BH&a in the LA2a runs at about 4 ma, the 6BX7 at 10 ma, so maybe that is what the Motown engineer was after.

got a VU meter to hook up, going to put a switch on it for ch 1 or ch 2 and center pos. off.

elevate the heaters on the output? who cares, this thing will be on about 3 hours a month and tubes are 15 bucks.

ready to take it home and give it a listen,


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I figure that so CE this is a guitar amp, why not use a nice sounding preamp circuit like the 59 Bassman circuit? I have heard guitars through a tube stereo and it was kind of sterile and harsh.

Plus , the two stages of a dual triode would have been too much gain, so now I have one stage of gain and one with unity gain, and it is a nice sounding circuit in the way that it rounds the tops of the wave rather than a harsh cutoff.

And since it is a low Z output, I don't have to worry about how much drive capability the 6BX7 needs. But your right, it is probably overkill as far as driving ability is concerned.

Thus thing sounds .nice! I clips at max volume, I keep forgetting that a 50 mv RMS guitar signal is 141 peak to peak, so that second stage needs more headroom. I will try a 12AU7 in there and see what I get.

Thus will lower the gain but I can make up for it by putting in a bypass cap on stage one and/or strapping the output xfmr for 600 ohms.

I can also try a 12AT7 or another 12AY7.

Another 6BX7 is on the way for channel 2.

I will build the Dave P circuit next for a side to side listen.
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