Musikmesse in Frankfurt 15-18 April 2015?

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Jun 4, 2004
Aarhus, Denmark
Hi Guys,

Anyone of you considering going to this year's Musikmesse in Frankfurt on 15-18 April?

I'll be there, in Hall 5.1 B83, representing Gyraf Audio. We are sharing a booth with SessionDesk, who build beautiful studio desks that makes Gyraffes even prettier..

My friend and colleague Tim Campbell of Campbell Transmitter will be there as well - we're planning on being there 15-16-17. April, leaving early Saturday because public day is hell.

We'll be demoing a selection of our units - including the brand-new G22 Dual/MS/Stereo vari-mu compressor, and possibly the G23 Ambler tilt Eq if time allows.

Jakob E.
I will be there and check out your gear. Session desk has my attention as well
I'll be in China at that time, have never made it the Messe.

Can you tell us more about the G22?

(P.S. I haven't forgotten that I promised to email you re the U.S. market…)

I sadly will not be there but I know some people who will. I would love for you to meet them if you have time, especially if your looking for some u.s. representation for the products.  PM me  and I'll send you some details.
I also will be in Hall 5.1 together with ES Pro Audio to show off some Mastering Insert Switchers.

Everybody who's around is invited to have a coffee and a nice chat :)
Frankfurt, Friday evening.

..just reporting in to tell you that it so far has been the best musikmesse I've attended. Lots of people actually listening to our strange stuff, lots of interesting conversations with genuinely interesting people..

Overall a surprisingly different and positive atmosphere than what we've been used to over the recent years. No idea what happens here, or what drives the positive energy, but it sure looks like some shift in the tide of pro audio business.

Highlight of the day - I and Tim Campbell met Mark Burnley (!!). Such a pleasure finally meeting someone that you feel you've worked with in nearly 20 years, but never met before in person.

Jakob E.

Hi Jakob,

it is always a pleasure to meet you, Tim and the DIYers.
Unfortunately I was able to visit the Messe on wednesday only ... :'(

For those of you that missed the Musikmesse:
The G23 is  simply S T U N N I N G !  ;)
I was there because of buisness meetings but unfortunatelly because of lack od spare time I didn"t visit you :(  but i heard great comments about G23! Cheers !!