MXL 603s set screw

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2005
Does anyone know the size and pitch of the 3 set screws on the MXL 603s body?

I just repaired a Joly modded mic and the set screw slots were all mangled.  I had to drill them out to remove and will need to replace with new set screws. 

Found a shorted capacitor at the 12v zener.  Works fine again.

I hate mechanical stuff!  Took me an hour to carefully drill the soft brass set screws out without damaging the body or threads.  20 minutes to find the bad cap. 2 minutes to put a new one in.  Now an hour or so to clean out the damaged set screws and probably an hour to find and order the new screws!  All the work was in 3 tiny screws!!

Just as a follow up on this thread for anyone fixing an MXL 603s. I've successfully removed the stuck set screws with the smallest Moody screw extractor tool:

If the Moody tool doesn't get it, you can as as last resort use a micro drill just smaller than the set screw thread size. The Moody tool is slow and tedious but can remove the set screw without damaging the softer mic body threads. I've repaired a number of MXLs and only had to drill out one set screw. With the proper drill size it is a faster option but with a much higher risk of damaging the body threads.

The set screws are:
M2x2.5 0.4 mm pitch

The hex tool for the set screw is:
0.9 mm

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