MXL V93M repair

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New member
Sep 26, 2013
Hey Folks!

Long time lurker, just finally signed up to hopefully get this thing figured out! I have a V93M (MXL2003?) that I purchased inexpensively (broken) with the intentions for experimenting with Moding it. I would obviously like it in working condition before I change anything out, but repairing it has proven more difficult than I was planning! Also, I can't seem to find a schem for it, if anyone has one it would greatly be appreciated!

It's behaving quite strangely, it works and sounds normal with ambient room noise but as soon as a semi-loud source is directed at it the volume sucks down to nothing and slowly builds back up. Here's a link to a sample-->

It seemed to me like a cap problem, so I've bench tested all the electrolytics and they're all fine. Before I tear off every other component and test them I was hoping someone could save me a little time by pointing me in a direction to start! Has anyone ever experienced this with other mics?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

sounds to me like the capsule has Condensation in it.  Find a warm dry place to leave the capsule for a period so it can dry out. The silica packets that come in the mic boxes are perfect for sucking up that mess. or you could replace the capsule all together.

pucho you were faster... but yeah, what you described actually is a cap problem when you look at it from a certain angle