Well-known member
Just go easy with her...
All the best for you!
Just go easy with her...
All the best for you!
Go easy on the woman shes about to lose her mind and body to give you the most amazing gift this planet has to offer.
Just wait until the onset of menopause... Oy Vey! You will long for the days of good ol' PMS.
I'm 8 years in on my first, and its still rewarding!After almost a year, I can say that it's hard work, but very rewarding.
The only problem is that they want to touch everything, especially the sharp and dangerous stuff! Skycraft rocks! btwI'm still waiting for the day when he can walk...round skycraft unaided and fetch things for me!
Keef: SHHHH! I mean, uhh, no, no, there's a perfectly good "reason" for buying flowers everytime...reasons like eating dinner and having a clean house and because you think your wife is just wonderful :grin: (the first two reasons are unspoken reasons, the last one should be spoken!) If any of you guys think it doesn't make any difference to buy flowers randomly...try it...if it doesn't make a diff (assuming you haven't done anything wrong!) I'll refund your money! Hint: Walmart has nice bouquets for less than $4. :green:try the reverse-angle play... buy a simple and inexpensive bunch of flowers for no reason at all