Need a Little Help with 100Va Toroidal transformer!!

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Well-known member
Apr 11, 2006
Vancouver Island ,BC, Canada
Hi Folks, I believe I know the answer to my question but I need someone to Confirm it for me....

I just got a 100Va Toroidal transformer and it is supposed to be a 117v Primary and 2X18v secondary but I don"t think it is as it looks to have a Dual 117v Primary(4 Wires in 2 groups of 2 wires) and there are only 3 wires on the secondary(2 red and 1 Black) so I think it is a 18v,0v,18v center Tapped Toroid....

So my question is do I have to connect both Primaries to get currect on all 3 wires of the secondary(can I just connect one of the Primaries If only useing half the current) or do i have to connect both Primaries in Paralell to get current on all 3 secondary wires??

Also Is there a Wrong way to connect the Primaries in Paralell??

By the way the Primary wires are grouped together and one group has a white and Black wire and the other group has a Brown and Blue wire.....

There is No datasheet available for this Particular Transformer either as it was Custom made (To the wrong specifations...LOL) which is the Last time I get a Custom made Transformer from China as the lady takeing the order must have not understood what I was saying......

Thanx...That answered a couple of Questions....

But I still don"t know how to find out which wire is the 0V and which is the 117v??

I don"t want to fry the thing by connecting it incorrectly.....

Measure the two primaries with an ohm-meter to find out which are the pairs. Connect one pair to the mains live and neutral but only one wire of the other pair to the mains live. Now measure (on AC 250V range) the volts on the remaining wire with respect to the mains neutral. If you get almost nothing, you have the phases right and can connect that wire to neutral. If you get 240V, you have the phasing wrong and you should reverse one of the primaries.

Take great care when making these measurements. These are lethal voltages.

I think I am just going to have to sell the Thing as I am to scared to Fiddle with it as I have a really Bad Phobia of electricity (had a Bad habbit of Sticking things in wall outlets when I was a Kid which traumatized me quite a Bit) and testing thing scares me.....

It was free and I have more that I do have Instructions for so if anyone wants a New 100Va Toroid Make me an Offer.....


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