Need advice for racking SSL4000G+ channels

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Well-known member
Jan 9, 2009

Yesterday I received a message from a guy that has 4 SSL 4000G+ channels, that wants to rack them. The preamp, EQ, Dynamics.
I never did such work, but at least i told him i will investigate of the feasibility...
I expect it to be not easy task... and I will need to build a psu for all the voltages, but there are people out there that succeded!!.

My first general questions:

¿How difficult is it to do?
¿Where to cut the boards...? :p

Thank you very much!

Jay x

After investigating a bit more I could find a forum: SSLmixed, where there is a lot of info about such modifications.

I will dig more...

Jay x
The female edge connectors are not made anymore in the configuration used, we were stealing them off of mother board cards when we needed to repair our test jigs and such. Its not really a rack friendly module, as a very large amount of real estate is used for the huge routing capabilities. I have seen a few people literally saw off the bus portion of the board to make it a smaller foot print. Yikes. Something you could consider is pulling the cards out from the module and putting them in a box, which each section has its own card, Mic, Dyn, EQ, but then you are facing the issue of labeling the controls and wiring the pots up and there is quite a lot of work involved. This would however let you get away with only the +/-18 power rail, otherwise you will need a +11 (Hung -7 from the top rail) logic rail for the lights and VCA.

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