Need help: Meter not working properly

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Well-known member
Jun 16, 2014
Hey guys, there is some help needed on my new gear. I bought the 1176 from hairballaudio ( So far everything works fine except the meter, which won't move at all.
Meter reacts to Signal added directly to the connectors but when i send a 1kHz signal through the input to calibrate my device the meter won't make a single move. Even after turning any calibration trim pots. All wires have been soldered clean and correct. Any ideas what could cause this error?

Is this an AC/audio meter or does it rely on diodes on the board?

Does the needle jiggle when you shake the meter?

A link to the kit information could be useful?
PRR said:
Is this an AC/audio meter or does it rely on diodes on the board?

Don't know, it is connected to the pcb (meter board on the right)

PRR said:
Does the needle jiggle when you shake the meter?

Sure, no hardware issue.