Net neutrality

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pucho812 said:
Nothing in title II prevents the internet providers from doing tier pricing which appears to be the main argument for net neutrality.
This isn't about Title 2, it's about the 2010 Open Internet Order (FCC 10-201 and FCC-15-24A1):
No Paid Prioritization.

Paid prioritization occurs when a broadband provider accepts payment (monetary or otherwise) to manage its network in a way that benefits particular content, applications, services, or devices. To protect against “fast lanes,” this Order adopts a rule that establishes that:
A person engaged in the provision of broadband Internet access service, insofar as such person is so engaged, shall not engage in paid prioritization.

“Paid prioritization” refers to the management of a broadband provider’s network to directly or indirectly favor some traffic over other traffic, including through use of techniques such as traffic shaping, prioritization, resource reservation, or other forms of preferential traffic management, either (a) in exchange for consideration (monetary or otherwise) from a third party, or (b) to benefit an affiliated entity.
> DSL here is 1.67 mbps download and 0.35 mbps upload

I remember being thrilled at 0.5Mbps DSL. (Beat 48K dialup.)

> using for testing.

Thanks for a new test. Does not give new numbers. Will not make you happier.

Cable modem, far Maine coast, 10 miles out of a small city (pop 5K). DSL not here, IMHO, not coming.

SpeedOf.Me test: 25.7 down, 2.5 up (Mbps)

Spectrum linked speed test (Ookla): 24.6 down, 2.4 up

I think I am getting *exactly* what my deal says, throttled. A large chunk starts faster then settles to average 25Mbs +/-1Mbps. Actually it was 5Mbps 7 years ago but has silently slipped up a few times. HowEVER, in going to the Spectrum site to see if I could find "my" plan (no!), I discovered that all new customers *at my house* are promised 60Mbps! And they think I have two apartments here. I should cancel Apt 1 and go new with Apt B.
Get on the blower and complain to them PRR,threaten to change providers if thats an option
this throttling has been a game internet providers have been playing for years ,the bandwidth of the network is finite ,more customers are added on new contracts all the time and demand is rising .They sell contracts on the basis of theoretical bandwidths which are rarely achieved in practise ,the providers assess your usage and allocate bandwidth accordingly ,they tend to squeeze everyone over time .I just checked mine 12 down/15up ,its the middle of the night ,anyway why do I need a higher upload speed than download,I'll get onto them about it but I'll only give some poor guy in Mumbai a bad day when hes forced to tell me lies to keep his job and his family going in order to keep the shareholders happy .
I assumed it would pass this time.  Deregulation of Radio back in the 80's created the messy 500 station ownership that has turned into a nothing burger for content today.  So now the internet has a free for all with 4 or 5 companies dictating what happens. 

I hope they don't slow down GroupDIY for me posting this. 

I want to drop my cable TV and just use internet with an antenna for local stations.  I will have to see how comcast treats that one.
It seems that a larger problem than net neutrality (or lack there of) is our lack of choices of service providers...  in my area it’s basically Spectrum or  Uverse... you want internet or not?  :-\
lazy town lookin mofos  :D

No idea what that means. Kids these days.


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They don't feel a need to pander to us anymore, they just pretend the deceased have the required opinions. We don't have a government at this point, it's just a simulation. Schroedinger's state.
