Bo Deadly
Well-known member
I made two 14.4V NiMH battery packs out of 12 2/3AAA cells. The batteries used to make the packs came charged. So I drained them at ~50mA each for about 5 hours. Then I tried to charge them with a current source. The charging went like this:
Left axis is voltage
Right axis is current in mA
X axis is minutes
Va - Voltage of Battery A
Vb - Voltage of Battery B
Ia - Charging current of Battery A
Ib - Charging current of Battery B
SVa - SMPS supply voltage for Battery A
SVb - SMPS supply voltage for Battery B
So the batteries pretty much charge up to over 14V within 5 minutes. Then the supply starts to run out voltage and the charging current drops. This is not what I expected. I expected the battery voltage would remain relatively low for hours. If I got 5 hours @ 50 mA out of it, I would expect it to consume the full 34mA the supply can provide for 10+ hours or so. But the batteries just go to well over the 14.4V nominal within 15 minutes.
What's going on here? What am I misunderstanding?

Left axis is voltage
Right axis is current in mA
X axis is minutes
Va - Voltage of Battery A
Vb - Voltage of Battery B
Ia - Charging current of Battery A
Ib - Charging current of Battery B
SVa - SMPS supply voltage for Battery A
SVb - SMPS supply voltage for Battery B
So the batteries pretty much charge up to over 14V within 5 minutes. Then the supply starts to run out voltage and the charging current drops. This is not what I expected. I expected the battery voltage would remain relatively low for hours. If I got 5 hours @ 50 mA out of it, I would expect it to consume the full 34mA the supply can provide for 10+ hours or so. But the batteries just go to well over the 14.4V nominal within 15 minutes.
What's going on here? What am I misunderstanding?