No anual gift thread?

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I was just wondering of our yearly oart of genourosity is passed, or am I to early?
You can start one , no  ?
For me anyway , they have a slight distasteful element of lust & greed and partly
turn into a bargain barter swap meet , not that it couldn't but then it's not a gift thread ,
should it have rules or no rules  , hard to say .
Bringing the discussion here instead of clogging the gift thread

Quote from: sahib on December 20, 2012, 06:45:22 PM

With all due respect I don't agree with the rule that you have to give something before you can accept something.

If anybody wants any of the stuff I listed (more to come)  he/she can take it with no conditions attached.

I am with Sahib on this one. I can understand the reasoning behind the rule but I am not giving in order to receive. If 100 people offer
 things but only 50 of them want something in return that's half the stuff that never goes to anyone. Giving should be unconditional.



And what if you get 100 people taking stuff and 50 people giving ? You're not the thread starter but instead
of arguing you can do ,  As detonator mention  [ as was said to him by other people ]  start another thread
more places to give & get  , can't be bad ?  But as happens to allot of threads  , people disagree for some reason
of logic or personal offense and then it's white noise , so here away from the original purpose  , Blast away  !
[ But wait what's if it's True about the tree in the forest or no one hearing you in [cyber] space  ..................? ]

But hey  , wait ..................... if it's offer something  , accept something and you give 5 things  , you,re now gotten 10 items given
one could take that as selfish , I'm only concerned with  [ getting rid of ] my stuff [ I'm not saying you  ] but you can see how it
can be compounding in a positive way !

In which case that thread is not about giving but is about exchanging.

My question is still not answered.

What happens to the person in need who is not in a position to give?
Your question is the end, there's no one right, all accommodation answer but one could argue that if you can afford to DIY and/or have access to the internet you must have SOMETHING you can give...

Let's just all do what we can and have a merry one eh?


That is not the point. They can probably afford the shipping by cutting down from other things. But at the end the free item/gift offsets that.

From personal experience I know a lot of forum members who are really scraping to be able to build an equipment.

That's Fair - I was deliberately being an ass.

I had a longer note... but at this point, I really can't be bothered :)

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (select as appropriate)

sahib said:
Rochey said:
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays (select as appropriate)


I'll pick Christmas.

I go on holiday in the summers. ;D

Merry Christmas to you too.

Just being careful. As a Taffy (Welshman) in Texas, I have to very careful what I bid people this kind of year.
You certainy don't want to mess with Tejanos.

Apart from regular business trips, my wife and I had many years of holidays in US and I must say the best one we had was in Texas.
the person in need can ask !  [ need or want ? or desire or dream ? ]

the person who wants to give unconditionally can start an individual thread

the person who only wants to give their opinion and nothing else can do so here

I realise that this is quite boring and I don't really want to be the one who drags it on and on.

But if the person in need can ask are you going to change the rules? Or Are you going to make an exemption?

What is the purpose of making him ask? To satisfy you? How about his/her feelings? What  if he/she finds it quite degrading?

Where is the spirit in this?

However, no hard feelings. I will indeed list them in another thread.
Well , for the  most part  , no one NEEDS the stuff here , they're more likely to NEED food  IF they NEED anything, so
we'd be better off as a grp to make a contribution  to a local shelter ? , but politics invade quickly .
As a grp we have to survive if it is still to be a grp , so make donations to ethan so WE can stay here ?
or start a fund that has qualifications to determine who meets its ? 
Seems o.k. if anyone wants to do THEIR part , simply start another thread "  I want to help you . "

In my city they have this thing , where one day in spring and fall ,people leave out on the curb the things they
don't want and let anyone pick them up , some people leave nice things  , and some people with trucks
pick them all up , some people without cars get nothing , the people leaving better things get rid of them all and the
others leaving stuff closer to garbage  , end up taking it to the garbage  , some people wanted to help and other
just wanted to clean [ in the easiest way ] 

As the theme of this thread is detonator's  I'll stop talking and watch those do what they want to do
before the thread was started I did pose the question , " should  " there be rules ? no said anythig until the thread
was started .

Posts: 2861
Helsinki, Finland      

Re: The Annual Gift Thread 2012
« Reply #78 on: Today at 10:54:20 AM »
Quote from: okgb on Today at 01:55:47 AM
purge those painful childhood memories

Now that was rude, and perhaps reflecting something of your own, since I was simply calling for unconditional gifts, no strings attached. Perhaps you have access to a real naughty and nice list and are in position to judge these things. Santas little helper.

Right and all that had been discussed and mentioned as well as asking for those discussion posts here ,  and as mentioned , you could do that by starting your own thread and it could be as you want it and we'd have even more giveaway threads and perhaps enough
threads to make everyone happy . I'm working on my universal access , not axis or satans helper , remember send Love here
Maybe they should all be individual threads ? Happy holidays !
