Non-inductive wire wound resistors for crossfeed module in EU (schematic included)

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Jan 7, 2015
I'm planning on building a stereo crossfeed module to insert into het cable of my HD600 headphones (inbetween the amp and the headphones).
It's a fairly simple design that I received from Meier designs.
The original version was built with Ohmite thick film TA resistors (5w), but I want to use non-inductive wire wound resistors (this was also an option according to the designer).
The resistance values are 4400 ohms, 2200 ohms, 330 ohms and 50000 ohms.
I'll add the schematic as a reference.
I'm by no means an electrical engineer, I'm restricted to my 'connect-the-dots'-soldering skills.
Who can point me in the right direction as to what brand/type of resistors I'd best use, what power rating and tolerances should I look for and where I can order them (in the EU)?
Hopefully someone can help, it would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

Schermafbeelding 2023-11-20 om 13.54.56.pngSchermafbeelding 2023-11-20 om 13.53.23.png
What sort of signal amplitudes (V1 / V2) are you expecting to use?

Asking purely because, since the headphones themselves are VERY unlikely to see even close to 1W (assuming you still have ears you can use for hearing), i'm not completely sure the resistors in this passive crossfeed circuit need to be rated for such (relatively) ridiculous powers. Surely some 0.5W to 1W metal film resistors should do perfectly fine..?
The Sennheiser HD600's are rated at 300 ohms.
The input signal will come from a portable DAC/headphone amp (I'm planning on buy-ing a Topping G5
Since I'm such a noob, I really have no insight into the how and why.
This links to the article about the schematic. Towards the end you can find an addendum about the mod for the HD600: An Enhanced-Bass Natural Crossfeed Filter.
Thanks again! :)
Topping G5

Output power - 175mW into 300 ohms

Still can't see how and why that would require 5 watt resistors, though. You could, on the other hand, draw up this schematic in LTspice, set the input voltage sources to 10Vpk and 300 ohm loads, and see what sort of powers the resistors need to dissipate. Probably won't be much...

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