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Well-known member
May 11, 2009
Gothenburg, Sweden
Fight at a studio, not actually in the studio but..... anybody ever have a punch up actually inside their studio?

Just a "punch up"?
Check this out.
30 years ago I was the assistant engineer on The Smiths' album "Meat is Murder". We recorded it in Amazon Studio 2.


One Sunday evening later on during the recording, the singer from a band in studio 3 (all studios were in the same building) -who was utterly snot-slinging drunk after an afternoon mixing the demos which they'd spent the weekend working on- decided that he would go into studio 2 and teach Morrissey a lesson, declaring him to be a miserable bastard, and announcing to one and all that "I can't F*#@ing stand his moaning, miserable, $hîtty f#@*ing music!"
All I saw from the back of the control room (Morrissey used to sing in a darkened studio, with even the control room lights dimmed to the point almost being off) was a slight glow as the light from the plate room spilled into the room... (followed by a drunk studio 3 vocalist) and the silhouette of a punch connecting with Morrissey's considerable jawbone, as BOTH of them fell to the ground... the ever-sensitive Morrissey from the blow, and the drunken idiot from not being able to throw a punch and maintain balance...

My first reaction -after having been subjected to a month of the vegetarian one's delicate ministrations and opinions on the world- was to punch the air in satisfied delight... but that soon tuned to panic, when I realized that I'd be the one explaining the whole thing to the studio owner, the record company, the band's management etc.. (I was the only studio representative on the session).

Well, they stayed for the rest of the album, despite threatening to pull the session... The album was an enormous success, and I got a great story to tell.

-Mid you, if the truth be told, if Morrissey treated me now as he treated me then, I'd be tempted to thump him myself. -Miserable Cüñtry music fan...
I've recorded Mark E Smith also. -And his wife (at the time), Brix.

Funny thing. Most of the people who I'd love to punch are singers from Manchester... -Mick Hucknell (Simply Red) is also going to be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes!

SSLtech said:
Funny thing. Most of the people who I'd love to punch are singers from Manchester... -Mick Hucknell (Simply Red) is also going to be one of the first up against the wall when the revolution comes!


Wonderous Stories
Oh please tell Keef...... ;D
Mark E smith gets a pass... For being a bug-eyed monstrosity who is so unspeakably weird that he's actually fabulous.

However, rather than retell the slightly tedious tale of how Mister Ginger-top (the pictures of him and Alex Ferguson being tormented at Old Trafford FILLED me with Schadenfreude!) mistreated me and a very good friend on separate occasions, I think I'll relate the story of the assistant engineer at one of the 'Island' residential studios back in the 80's. Might have been Compass Point studios in Nassau, or could have been Air Monserrat... Both studios are now closed, but both gave us some great recordings... Anyhow, whichever it was, let the tale begin:

Simply Red had booked in for a few weeks, to record and mix an album. From the start, the assistant was on the receiving end of some of the most lovely displays of the ginger-locked âs$hole's fabled personality. A few days in, he was sacked. Not for anything reasonable I believe, just to assert "alpha-dog" status.

So the album progresses, and eventually is finished. They have a "wrap party" and the original assistant appears, bearing a beautiful gift of a splendidly-decorated cake, by way of an "all is forgiven, and congratulations" offering. -Mister Hucknell is suitably magnanimous, and everyone starts drinking and eating. -The largest slice of cake is served to the carrot-topped fûckwit.


What nobody (other than the assistant) knew, is that there were TWO cakes. Both were chocolate, and similarly frosted and decorated...

...But the one which was served to the bionic fûcktard was made with a triple-helping of chocolate-flavored Ex-Lax.

Revenge -in this case- was a dish served at room temperature.
SSLtech said:
Mark E smith gets a pass... For being a bug-eyed monstrosity who is so unspeakably weird that he's actually fabulous.

However, rather than retell the slightly tedious tale of how Mister Ginger-top (the pictures of him and Alex Ferguson being tormented at Old Trafford FILLED me with Schadenfreude!) mistreated me and a very good friend on separate occasions, I think I'll relate the story of the assistant engineer at one of the 'Island' residential studios back in the 80's. Might have been Compass Point studios in Nassau, or could have been Air Monserrat... Both studios are now closed, but both gave us some great recordings... Anyhow, whichever it was, let the tale begin:

Simply Red had booked in for a few weeks, to record and mix an album. From the start, the assistant was on the receiving end of some of the most lovely displays of the ginger-locked âs$hole's fabled personality. A few days in, he was sacked. Not for anything reasonable I believe, just to assert "alpha-dog" status.

So the album progresses, and eventually is finished. They have a "wrap party" and the original assistant appears, bearing a beautiful gift of a splendidly-decorated cake, by way of an "all is forgiven, and congratulations" offering. -Mister Hucknell is suitably magnanimous, and everyone starts drinking and eating. -The largest slice of cake is served to the carrot-topped fûckwit.


What nobody (other than the assistant) knew, is that there were TWO cakes. Both were chocolate, and similarly frosted and decorated...

...But the one which was served to the bionic fûcktard was made with a triple-helping of chocolate-flavored Ex-Lax.

Revenge -in this case- was a dish served at room temperature.


Manchester singers.... Hmmmm... You know who else gets a pass? -Bernard 'Barney' Sumner, from New Order.

While we were recording the album 'Brotherhood', I was dating a young thing with... shall we say... "outstanding assets".

One weekend a few weeks in, she and her girlfriend were sitting at home bored, and decided that what they REALLY needed to do was to come to the studio and surprise everyone with sponge cake and custard!  (Well... why not?!?!??)

So they turn up, bringing abundant sponge cake, and set to work in the kitchen making hot custard, and brewing copious volumes of tea and coffee, which they put onto a couple of trays and then came into studio 1, where I think we were mixing at the time.

-There was much delight, the band decided that this was a fabulous idea, and we all stopped what we were doing, and got stuck in to bowls full of cake and custard. -After a few minutes, the girls gathered up the dishes and headed out to the kitchen to get everything washed up.

As the door door on the left of the control room closed behind them, Barney (who was sitting immediately to my left) announced:
"I tell you what... I'd shag the living daylights out of that blonde! -Did you see the size of the baps on her? -Jeeeezus!!! They were friggin' enormous! -I tell you what, she could..." -and then stopped. -He was looking at me, and my face MUST have given something away, because his jaw remained slack...

Then after an embarrassed silence, he said "That's your girlfriend, isn't it? -Shit. -PLEASE don't tell me that's your wife!!!"

I think I let him squirm for a couple of seconds, before saying "Don't worry, it's alright. -I'll take it as a compliment that a rock star thinks my GF is that striking!"

The laughter from the rest of the band was excellent. -He really must have felt a bit awkward about it, because he did come up to me later, and say 'I mean it, I'm really sorry about all that stuff before...' -I told him it really was okay, but if he wanted to do some sort of pennance, he could make me the nicest cup of tea he'd ever made for anyone, and I'd make sure we were even!

No fights that time, but definitely an embarrassed singer!
I'm waiting for a Shawn Ryder story...

EDIT: On another note, you would think that, as the client, it would occur to them that the girls that just brought them food aren't just random people who walked by, but might actually have some relationship with the studio owner or workers.
dmlandrum said:
I'm waiting for a Shawn Ryder story...
The second time I ever worked with Martin Hannett (I never got to work with him until VERY late in his life. -There was an animus between him and the ever self-important Tony Wilson, which meant he took an extended hiatus, returning quite late in life to 'Factory approved' status) was with the Happy Mondays.

The day before the booking the band was arrested in Scotland, and bailed quite late on. -Sean and the lads talked nervously in the studio while I got on with the business at hand. They'd had a 300-mile drive down to Liverpool from wherever they'd been locked up, and that was a long time for them to be without their approved substances, so they were making up for things... -Things were a bit weird, but nowhere NEAR as weird as they had been the FIRST time I worked with Hannett... -Did I tell that story here, or was that on another audio forum?

Anyhow, they weren't particularly comfortable -for reasons of circumstance- so they took off early and went to (presumably) get blasted and sleep... hence I was spared the sort of displays for which they'd been renowned.