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I am currently in the midst of recaping a 83046 compressor that had progressively lost all lower end response over the years to the point of acting as a hi-pass filter when engaged.
One channel is done and perfectly working, which is encouraging. Had to order a few caps to be able to recap channel 2 so this one is still stock with all its defectuous caps.
While testing the freshly recapped channel 1 and comparing it to broken channel 2, I remarked a noise in the background, almost inaudible without compression engaged and gain turned up, but still present when both channels are engaged (LIMIT and COMPRESSION out, just the BYPASS switch on the IN position). Said noise is too loud to be able to use the compression normally as it becomes apparent on takes where make up gain is added.
The noise is exactly the same on both channels which rules out an issue with either of their cards and leads me to believe it is coming from the PSU.
Here is that noise boosted +24db: PSU noise snippet
The PSU is a custom unit installed into the compressor some 30 years ago for 220V mains:

As I am working on that unit anyway I want to recap the PSU and possibly replace that transistor too.
I have never worked on a PSU before and have just been reading that scary "shocked by a can cap" thread!
Do you guys have any suggestion about how to possibly make the PSU better, or if it looks good enough how to work on this safely?
Thanks a lot for your help,
I am currently in the midst of recaping a 83046 compressor that had progressively lost all lower end response over the years to the point of acting as a hi-pass filter when engaged.
One channel is done and perfectly working, which is encouraging. Had to order a few caps to be able to recap channel 2 so this one is still stock with all its defectuous caps.
While testing the freshly recapped channel 1 and comparing it to broken channel 2, I remarked a noise in the background, almost inaudible without compression engaged and gain turned up, but still present when both channels are engaged (LIMIT and COMPRESSION out, just the BYPASS switch on the IN position). Said noise is too loud to be able to use the compression normally as it becomes apparent on takes where make up gain is added.
The noise is exactly the same on both channels which rules out an issue with either of their cards and leads me to believe it is coming from the PSU.
Here is that noise boosted +24db: PSU noise snippet
The PSU is a custom unit installed into the compressor some 30 years ago for 220V mains:

As I am working on that unit anyway I want to recap the PSU and possibly replace that transistor too.
I have never worked on a PSU before and have just been reading that scary "shocked by a can cap" thread!
Do you guys have any suggestion about how to possibly make the PSU better, or if it looks good enough how to work on this safely?
Thanks a lot for your help,