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Well-known member
Nov 15, 2008
Can anybody recommend some good brands?
Just something decent for bulding projects and calibration?

More so Can anyone recommend units and or types to steer totally clear of?
thinking of placing some bids on ebay in a bit?

But am a bit unsure? Thanks! :)
For the price of a new analogue 'scope you could have a killer secondhand 'scope, along the lines of a Tektronix 2465-series or suchlike.

For audio my recommendations would be to get one with at least 20-Meg bandwidth - I can't see much need for going above 50-Meg. I have a few 'scopes, including a Tek colour digital and a Kenwood 20-Meg green-screen 'baby' 'scope. Guess which one gets used the most...?

...the Kenwood...

'Scopes made by reputable firms such as Tek, Hitachi, Kenwood and Hameg in the '80s and '90s tend to be pretty bomb-proof - this was the pre-ROHS era...

Having an expensive 'scope will impress your clients, but it won't tell you a great deal a basic analogue 'scope + True RMS DMM won't. I've been using the Tek digital 'scope more recently as its measuring functions come in handy, but for low noise and a clean waveform that responds faster I use my humble Kenwood.


edit - the one advantage of a modern digi 'scope is its portability - you don't really want to make a habit of taking analogue dinosaurs on the road.

For projects, something like this is ideal:

