Panasonic HE series Caps

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Well-known member
Jun 7, 2004
San Diego, CA
Take a look at the Panasonic HE series caps at Digikey or Mouser. These look like they might be a great cap for Audio coupling and PSU apps. 105 deg, very low impedance and long life. On the inexpensive side of the Nichicon line as well.

I noticed this too. Better specs than the FC series everyone tells me to use.

On a similar note... I haven't done a lot of searching yet (I'm sure the info is already out there) but would love to hear a nice summary of which aluminum electros are best for audio, best bang for the buck, and when to use tantalum instead. Are caps such as the Black Gate really worth $2-$4 each? These Panasonics are good enough for me in the mean time.
[quote author="jrmintz"]
Are caps such as the Black Gate really worth $2-$4 each?

Try $20.00 - $40.00 and up. Each.


Yeah. I ****** up. I'm going to stick with Nichicon for now. Both the HE and PW series have same or better specs than Panasoic FC at the same or better prices and same or smaller sizes. Only problem seems to be that Digikey stocks smaller quantities of Nichicon than Pana FC. On the nichicon website they talk about their FG series having fuller bass response and smoother highs. Now that's how I like to hear a capacitor company talk! :grin:
Anyone tried Panasonic FA series? It´s described as "ULTRA low impedance" while the FC is described as "LOW impedance"...
i've found a new favorite in the Nichicon VX and PW series caps. the VX seem to be hard to find though.. the PW are easy to find and fairly cheap. mellow sound without the high mid boost of the FCs.

herein Brazil I can only get this from Farnell:

I think this is a VX. Is it as good as the very praised PW?
Price looks good!
that looks like it, they are blue with white lettering and have VX(M) on the side. for me they sound pretty smooth, not overly bright like the FCs can be. seems that Nichicon has more of the smooth sound charachteristics to most of their caps. I have some HEs coming and i'll test them out too.. a lot of my channels came with these caps(VX), which i compared heavily to the FCs and PWs. the more i listen to them the better i like them compared to the FCs. the PW is very similar to my ears to the VX(M).

listening through channels populated with opa2604s, opa404s and 1% metal resistors so i'm pretty sure that it's the differences in caps between channels since that is the only difference, however i can also say that I've come across caps that sound differently with things like opamps that are not the same between channels so you might want to get a few and test them out.

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