Paypal alternatives update ?

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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2004
Winnipeg Mb Canada
Anyone using / come across anything?
someone has tied up some of my funds with ebay and if i get scammed
I'll drop em both !
bit coin doesn't look so good now, 6 moth ago was 50% higher than now, so you would lost 30% of your founds there in the last 6 moth. I don't know any other option now, but looking for some, anything else out there is so widely spread, with war you can pay almost anywhere. There are some, of course, but I don't know any user of any of those and never seen paying options for any of those in the usual sites. In dx is this option but I can't recommend it, just say it's there.

Also found this, but nothing to recommend on that either...

Let me know if something comes out, and if you have experience with any other option.

There are venture capitalists throwing money at Bitcoin to develop it as an alternative payment system to CC. I also saw an article about a regulator who was looking at Bitcoin to "regulate" it. Like a bank they would require capital standards and accounting standards to prevent future Mt Gots.

Do not confuse value or exchange rate with viability as a medium of exchange.

I still don't see it as an investment or medium of exchange, but apparently others do. 

Bank account with bank transfer? Cheaper than paypal for anything over about £100, even for international stuff.
It is easy to get a credit card accepting program/application these days. They even make little readers for your idroidphone smartphone.

Bank transfer also not so bad in large amounts. The venerable and often maligned personal check comes to mind and the old postal money order still rocks.

No matter what you use if it is not cash it is gonna have fees for either you or the buyer. It is the way of the world. As soon as you inject a middleperson you are going to have fees.

IMO Bitcoin is a great idea so was flying one is ready for general use the other not so much.
For me is not so easy to use a bank account to do international transactions, my bank (any any other in the country) won't do direct international transactions unless using credit card, and even then it has some things to solve.

JR, I know that isn't the same thing, but if you are using bit coins as a medium for exchange in and out probably you always have some money there all the time, which will decrease it value if the value on the market is going down, so the problem there is that you are loosing money. I'm quite use to this, since the currency of my country change it's value pretty quick, in january we had 20% down in one day, I was buying the computer which I have now, had half the parts on hand and waiting the other half since they didn't have it in the store when I went, one day I have all the money to buy all I was waiting for and the next day I didn't. It felt like someone stole me that difference (shell group was the one who went out to buy US dollars here and our currency dropped down badly). Even if this particular things don't happens every month, every year we have about 25% of inflation so saving money isn't easy, having money in your pocket (or in the bank) is loosing money, if you are trying to get something that cost more than you can buy in one month, the next month is more expensive and you never get there. Same thing would happen with something like bitcoin, if it's value decrease as the tendency of last 6 month. (one year ago bitcoin was lower than now, but in the last 6 month the tendency to go down is pretty stable)

joaquins said:
For me is not so easy to use a bank account to do international transactions, my bank (any any other in the country) won't do direct international transactions unless using credit card, and even then it has some things to solve.

JR, I know that isn't the same thing, but if you are using bit coins as a medium for exchange in and out probably you always have some money there all the time, which will decrease it value if the value on the market is going down, so the problem there is that you are loosing money. I'm quite use to this, since the currency of my country change it's value pretty quick, in january we had 20% down in one day, I was buying the computer which I have now, had half the parts on hand and waiting the other half since they didn't have it in the store when I went, one day I have all the money to buy all I was waiting for and the next day I didn't. It felt like someone stole me that difference (shell group was the one who went out to buy US dollars here and our currency dropped down badly). Even if this particular things don't happens every month, every year we have about 25% of inflation so saving money isn't easy, having money in your pocket (or in the bank) is loosing money, if you are trying to get something that cost more than you can buy in one month, the next month is more expensive and you never get there. Same thing would happen with something like bitcoin, if it's value decrease as the tendency of last 6 month. (one year ago bitcoin was lower than now, but in the last 6 month the tendency to go down is pretty stable)


Yes Argentina is in discussions to try to avoid a default on their sovereign debt. They are trying to renegotiate it lower but a few debt holders refused to take the haircut so they missed the last payment and now are in the 30 day grace period before being technically in default. It could get worse before it gets better (sorry).

It could be worse, the Venezuelan currency has been tanking for years.

I do not know what it is about politicians and fiscal responsibility... manana manana manana.

Our currency values 1/10th of what it was 12 years ago, when it started the debt was renegotiated really bad, state took all the debt of the banks. Here tax are quite high for the action the government has, I know there are countries with higher tax rates but usually the government has better return to people then. Here we have total rates about 50%, give or take depending on the task, for importation about 80% for example, and a LOT goes to politicians pockets... so people don't have a lot of responsibility on that matter, now government is in a heavy hunting on those who avoid taxes, and increasing taxes on whatever they can, which makes things even worse. If you want to take all my money and give very little in return I'll try to give you nothing, if you want a small part of my incomes and you give in return what it's supposed would be ok.

I could live with 20% or 30% of taxes, but I can't pay 80% over of the value of something I'm buying, that's what makes it almost impossible to me to buy stuff outside, I wouldn't buy a complete kit, but maybe critical parts or tools I can't get here. It also increases the living costs and makes the internal industry really hard to export, cause stuff made here are much expensive than other places. For example, if you want to get a smart TV 44" may be cheaper take a plane to Chile, buy it there, have lung, get a cab to the airport again and return here, pay all those expensive taxes, and it will be still cheaper than buy the same thing build here, without mention that TV will have all the parts coming from China and assembled here, so it's the exact same TV, and you get a nice trip to Chile in the middle. It also affects national industry in other way, if I would like to start to building some nice electronic whatever I won't find a lot of parts I need, or tools, I can't get a Hakko 888 for example. And if I wan't to export that, the I have to pay again, instead of getting some incentive to export stuff and get money in, so get's harder and harder to run anything good here. I should probably get a car and drive a cab instead of studying engineering, not strange that so many engineers required here. Probably the better way is to work in a company in another country, so I get my money outside and then I can use it to import with less trouble maybe, it's what I'm doing now, and that's why I'm interested on finding options to take this money home or use it outside.

An interesting tidbit about Bitcoin, Dell just announced they will sell computers for Bitcoins, so now bitcoin mining can be paid for with bitcoins.  8)


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