pcb manufacturing for prototype

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Well-known member
May 19, 2013
Quebec, Canada
Hi guys

Where do you get your prototype pcb print? I need to print 1 pcb for a prototype and don't want to spend 280$ on a single board XD

@ RuudNL: It's double layered, and the project will appear here as a futur kit or pcb, so etching isn't really pratical :)

@pucho812: Yes the price go down quickly because they have minimum charge for all the setup.
Deepdark said:
Hi guys

Where do you get your prototype pcb print? I need to print 1 pcb for a prototype and don't want to spend 280$ on a single board XD

I've been using Accutrace (www.pcb4u.com) for some double-sided boards that fit into the 100mm x 120mm Hammond extruded boxes.  Limits: no silkscreen on the bottom, simple tin finish, and the solder mask is kinda thin. But ten for $3/each plus $10 for shipping is a good deal.
