Phantom blocking caps for a V672

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Well-known member
Apr 2, 2008
What value of phantom power blocking cap is needed for V672's? I've had good luck with as low as .22uF on some tube stuff I've added pp to, but still rather green on the issue.

Thanks for any info, Nathan
The value of phantom blocking cap depends on the input impedance of the preamp. On a V672, the input impedance is equal to the sum of the values of the input resistors, remembering that the V672 is essentially a "virtual earth" input.

The corner frequency of the RC high pass filter formed by the blocking caps and the input resistors is calculated using the normal formula e.g. the -3db frequency is found where the input resistance is equal to Xc of the blocking caps.

If you use the typical 750R + 750R input resistors seen when using V7672 as a micpre, and desire a -3db frequency of say 2 Hz, solve for Xc = 1500 ohms at 2Hz.

Xc = 1/ (2 * Pi * f * C) so setting Xc = 1500 ohms and f = 2 Hz C needs to be 1/(12.56 * 1500) or about 53 uF. Wow! That's either an electrolytic or a big film cap. I use a cap on each side, but I guess that not strictly necessary.

For other input impedance you could use the same process.

(In my V672 "PreBuddy" front end board, I have 2* 47uF which gives about 4Hz with the 2*750R input, since the 2 caps are essentially in series)

