I have been probing like a madman, trying to trace the circuit for continuity, so far all the diodes have tested what i think is ok giving around 1Mohm resistance. And i haven't located a short in the caps or regs.. Still searching for that burnt resistor value cause that obviously needs to be replaced. I assume looking for a short involves looking for 0 resistance across a component or path where you expect some resistance??.. I'm not sure of the specifics of which components can and cannot be tested in circuit either, and don't know if this is even relevant when looking for a short.. Is it possible that the resistor was just at the end of its life and there is no short?? Can you determine if a device(with no missing components) has a short or not, by just measuring the power input jack somehow (for overall resistance or something)?? I have heard about dim bulb testers for repairing power amps etc with shorts, and am considering buying and or making one.
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