A replacement for BC546 but with higher CE voltage? Cheap and widely available if possible. Or better but still simple phantom regulator circuit?
The circuit I use is very simple single transistor regulator. Collector is input, 10K resistor from collector to base, 47V zener from base to ground and emitter is output. Only three components if capacitors are not included. Works fine untill output is shorted to ground (less than one second is enough and transistor is dead!). I guess it is too high CE voltage that kills the transistor.
The circuit I use is very simple single transistor regulator. Collector is input, 10K resistor from collector to base, 47V zener from base to ground and emitter is output. Only three components if capacitors are not included. Works fine untill output is shorted to ground (less than one second is enough and transistor is dead!). I guess it is too high CE voltage that kills the transistor.